William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for November 1794



Nov. 1. Sa.Hardy's triale: see Wharton , Thomson, Walker, Roberts M., Vaughan, Harwood, Frost, Williams, Banks, Sharp, Ferguson, Symonds, Towers, C. Moore, G. Moore, Hawes, Ritson, Gray, Webb, Belmano, Macdonald Cursory Strictures—To this pamphlet Mr H. T. frequently declared that he was indebted for his life. One day, in mixed company, having insisted that the author should tell him without circumlocution whether it were of his writing or no, & been answered in the affirmative, he called the author to him, & taking his hand, conveyed it suddenly to his lips, vowing that he could do no less by the hand which had given existence to that production. (May 21, 1795.) Jan. 29, 1809.

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Nov. 2. Su.Dine at Robinson's, w. Moore's & Inchbald: sup at Jennings's, with Griffiths.

3. M.Sup at Jennings's, w. mrs Reveley, Ferguson, Moore & Symonds.

4. Tu.

5. W.Hardy's acquittale.Call on Holcroft: sup at Perry's, w. Bankes, Robinson, Gillies, Barnes, & Armstrong & Agar; adv. Burney.

6. Th.Call on Jennings: dine at Foulkes's, w. Gurney, Hutchinson & Jennings; adv. Jamieson .

7. F.Miss Cooper cal breakfasts: Dyson calls: sup at Holcroft's, w. H Richter.

8. Sa.Call on Northmore, nah; & Inchbald: dine at M's: call on Gerald & Holcroft; adv. Nicholson & H Richter: sup at Nicholson's.

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Nov. 9. Su.Smith breakfasts; Moore calls, & Cooper: dine at Foulkes's.

10. M.Fawcet dines: Dyson at tea.

11. Tu.Call on Inchbald, Holcrofts & Gray: Cooper dines: Philomaths, sexes.

12. W.Dine at Jennings's: call, w. Ml, on Gerald (adv. Scott & Naylors) & Holcroft.

13. Th.J Hollis & col. Barry call; call on Robinson & Ritson: dine at Foulkes's, with Vaughan, Ward & Robinson Irish barrister; adv. Chawners.

14. F. Call on Barry: dine at Northmore's, w. Frend, Disney, B. Hollis & Ledwich.

15. Sa.Newgate; Holcroft, Tooke, Thelwal, Kyd, Richter, Joyce, Bosville, Frost & col. Miles: see J Taylor: call on miss Hayes: dine at Listers, w. Crisp & J Hollis; talk of passions, God & self love.

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Nov. 16. Su.Smith & Cooper breakfast: call on Gray & Ritson: dine at Foulkes's, adv. Powel & mrs Hanson{,} miss Hurst: sup at Jennings's, w. Brent & Cook.

17. M.

18. Tu.Philomaths, incest.

19. W.Call on Gerald; adv. Jennings's & mrs Reveley.

20. Th.

21. F.Sup at Jennings's, w. G. Moore, Scott & mrs Reveley.

22. Sa.Tooke's acquittale.Tooke's triale: see Courtenay, Geddes, Stephens, Bush, Marsh, Sharpe Gram., miss Alderson, Robinson{,} I B, Ward, Lushington, White, Woodhouse, Adams{,} Times, W Barnard, Mackintosh, Pearson, Gawler

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Nov. 23. Su.Smith breakfasts; adv. Walker & Moore: call on Gray & Jennings: dine at Foulkes, w. mrs Thelwal. Newgate, the prisoners & Perry patissier.

24. M.//Call on Mackintosh: Wi see Courtenay: Wimbledon, w. Foulkes.

25. Tu.Call on Parr; adv. Street, G Moore, Tweddel & Losh; 4 to Gerald: call on Symonds, Sharp, Frost & Jennings. Philomaths, fame

26. W.Call on Parr (adv. Tweddel & Maurice) & Holcroft: Barry & Cartwright call: dine at Mackintosh's, w. Parr, Tweddel, Street & Marcand; adv. Bartlam & G Moore.

27. Th.Call on Blake, col. Barry nah, Webb, Hollis & Nichols: dine at M's: sup at Shield's, w. Crosdil; adv. Collick & Smith.

28. F.Dine at Gerald's, w. Crompton, Taylor Lanc., Sinclair, Brown & Scott: sup at Jennings's.

29. Sa.Newgate: Webb, Nichols & mrs Jardine call: dine at Crompton's, w. Taylor, Brown & Scott.

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Nov. 30. Su.Smith breakfasts: J G calls: call on mrs Jardine, write: dine at Foulkes's, w. Frost; adv. Powel & Agar.