William Godwin's Diary

Mackintosh, Sir James (of Kyllachy)

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 225 times, but was not at home (N) 25 times, and was a venue (V) 108 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


4  March  1792 14  March  1792 19  March  1792 (V) 21  April  1792 26  April  1792 (V) 15  June  1792 10  July  1792 5  October  1792


4  March  1793 20  April  1793 9  November  1793 (V) 23  December  1793


16  January  1794 2  February  1794 (V) 3  February  1794 (V) 16  February  1794 (V) 17  February  1794 28  February  1794 3  March  1794 (V) 10  March  1794 10  March  1794 19  March  1794 (NV) 27  April  1794 (NV) 15  May  1794 8  June  1794 (V) 13  July  1794 (NV) 22  November  1794 24  November  1794 (V) 26  November  1794 (V) 30  December  1794


11  January  1795 (NV) 3  February  1795 (V) 11  February  1795 (V) 23  February  1795 (V) 24  February  1795 (V) 2  March  1795 (V) 29  March  1795 (V) 19  April  1795 (NV) 10  May  1795 (V) 11  May  1795 21  June  1795 (V) 1  July  1795 12  July  1795 (NV) 24  July  1795 9  August  1795 (NV) 23  November  1795 13  December  1795 (V)


4  January  1796 (NV) 14  January  1796 (V) 17  January  1796 (V) 29  February  1796 1  March  1796 (V) 5  March  1796 (V) 11  March  1796 5  April  1796 (V) 10  April  1796 13  April  1796 (V) 20  April  1796 (V) 21  April  1796 (V) 22  April  1796 26  April  1796 (V) 29  April  1796 (V) 10  May  1796 20  May  1796 (NV) 13  June  1796 1  July  1796 (NV) 31  July  1796 (V) 4  December  1796 (V) 12  December  1796 (V) 15  December  1796


19  January  1797 (V) 26  February  1797 (V) 26  March  1797 (V) 23  April  1797 (NV) 28  May  1797 (NV) 25  June  1797 (NV) 10  December  1797 (NV)


1  March  1798 (V) 29  April  1798 (V) 6  May  1798 (NV) 13  May  1798 (NV) 22  June  1798 23  June  1798 (V) 1  July  1798


3  February  1799 (V) 18  February  1799 (V) 20  February  1799 23  February  1799 2  March  1799 (V) 5  March  1799 (N)


28  March  1801 15  April  1801 17  June  1801 19  June  1801


26  January  1802


17  November  1803


17  September  1813 (V) 25  September  1813 (V) 18  October  1813 28  November  1813 (V) 28  December  1813 29  December  1813 (V)


31  January  1814 7  February  1814 12  February  1814 (V) 14  February  1814 31  March  1814 (V) 1  April  1814 (V) 8  April  1814 8  April  1814 (NV) 12  April  1814 (NV) 13  April  1814 14  April  1814 (NV) 19  April  1814 (V) 20  April  1814 20  April  1814 (V) 21  April  1814 22  April  1814 6  May  1814 (NV) 7  May  1814 (V) 16  July  1814


11  January  1815 (V) 12  January  1815 (V) 12  January  1815 17  January  1815 26  January  1815 (V) 28  March  1815 (V) 28  April  1815 (NV) 6  May  1815 (V) 5  June  1815 (V) 8  June  1815 10  June  1815 (V) 14  June  1815 1  July  1815 (V) 4  July  1815 28  August  1815 7  September  1815 (V) 20  September  1815 17  November  1815 3  December  1815


22  January  1816 27  January  1816 1  February  1816 (V) 6  February  1816 11  February  1816 (NV) 15  February  1816 (NV) 15  February  1816 25  February  1816 6  March  1816 16  March  1816 19  March  1816 22  May  1816 15  June  1816 3  August  1816 6  August  1816 (V) 6  August  1816


6  February  1817 (V) 6  May  1817 (V) 11  November  1817


19  March  1818 (V)


27  January  1819 (V) 2  March  1819 27  April  1819 (V) 28  April  1819 (V) 3  September  1819 4  October  1819 12  October  1819 21  October  1819


14  July  1820 24  October  1820 27  October  1820 27  October  1820


8  September  1821


3  May  1823 5  May  1823 (V) 13  June  1823 14  June  1823 19  June  1823 22  June  1823 (V) 23  June  1823 25  June  1823 28  June  1823 13  August  1823 15  August  1823 20  August  1823 19  September  1823 (V) 26  September  1823 9  October  1823 16  October  1823 20  October  1823 (V) 24  October  1823 29  October  1823 1  November  1823 (V)


13  January  1824 2  February  1824 (V) 19  March  1824 4  April  1824 27  April  1824 8  May  1824


21  March  1825


12  March  1827 (V)


31  August  1829 15  October  1829 30  December  1829


21  August  1830 (V) 23  August  1830 (V) 27  August  1830 31  August  1830 11  September  1830 6  December  1830 6  December  1830 (V) 15  December  1830 (V)


19  February  1831 (NV) 20  February  1831 (V) 26  February  1831 5  March  1831 (V) 6  May  1831 7  June  1831 (V) 23  September  1831 24  September  1831 22  October  1831 (V) 26  November  1831


30  May  1832 (V) 30  May  1832


6  April  1835

  • Name: Mackintosh, Sir James (of Kyllachy)
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 24  October  1765
  • Death Date: 30  May  1832
  • Occupation: political writer
  • Occupation: politician

Mackintosh was a radical Whig who was involved with the Society for Constitutional Information and the Society of Friends of the People in the early 1790s. He wrote an eloquent rebuttal of Burke's Reflections: Vindiciae Gallicae: a Defence of the French Revolution and its English Admirers (1791). However, later in the decade, disillusioned by violent events in France, he recanted his radicalism and spoke against Godwin in a series of lectures. His relationship with Godwin cooled, but it seems that after Mackintosh's return from India their friendship revived and Mackintosh was of considerable service to Godwin in his difficult later life.

Godwin records his death.

  • DNB

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Parr, Samuel 12
Holcroft, Thomas 8
Moore, Sir Graham 6
Allen, Lancelot Baugh 5
Perry, James (Pirie) 5
Parr, Sarah Anne (Wynne) 5
Stael von Holstein, Baroness Germaine ( Anne-Louise, née Necker, Germaine de Stael) 3
Moore, John 3
Inchbald, Elizabeth 3
Dealtry, Peregrine (Perry) 3
Stewart, John (Walking Stewart) 3
Courtenay, John (Courtney) 3
O'Bryen, Dennis (O'Brien) 3
Porson, Richard 3
Fell, Ralph 2
White, 2
Stoddart, John 2
Merry, Robert 2
Carlisle, Sir Anthony 2
Boaden, James 2
Barry, Major Henry 2
Parr, Catherine Jane 2
Scarlett, James (first Baron Abinger) 2
Fenwick, John 2
Marsh, Charles 2
Adair, Robert 2
Barlow, Joel 2
Curran, John Philpot 2
Jardine, Major Alexander 2
Tweddell, John 2
Johnson, Joseph 2
Nicholson, William 2
Mergez, Georges Nicholas 1
Noel, Francois Joseph Michel 1
Yaniewicz, Felix (Feliks Janiewicz) 1
Northcote, James 1
Taylor, John 1
Lubé, Denis George 1
Kenney, James 1
Wolcot, Dr John (pseudonym Peter Pindar) 1
Holcroft, Louisa (née Mercier) 1
Constable, Archibald 1
Erskine, Thomas (first Baron Erskine) 1
Rogers, Samuel 1
Taylor, William 1
Williams, David 1
Sharp, 1
Jerningham, 1
Murray, John Samuel 1
Sharp, Richard (Conversation Sharp) 1
Stewart, Dugald 1
Batty, Robert 1
Moore, James (Carrick-Moore) 1
Wedgwood, Josiah (jr.) 1
Phillips, Sir Richard (Philip Richards) 1
Sharp, William 1
Place, Francis 1
Clairmont, Charles 1
Knight, Thomas 1
Robinson, Henry Crabb 1
Este, Reverend Charles 1
Losh, James 1
Foulkes, John 1
Sinclair, Charles 1
Jennings, Mrs (Jennyns) 1
Gerrald, Joseph 1
Thelwall, John 1
Horne Tooke, John 1
Paine, Thomas 1
Dyson, George 1
Sheridan, Richard Brinsley 1
Priestley, Joseph 1
Barry, James 1
Fordyce, James 1
Fawcett, Joseph 1
Banks, Thomas 1
Burdett, Sir Francis (fifth baronet) 1
Robinson, George 1
Coke, first earl of Leicester (1837) Thomas William 1
Wilson, 1
Tierney, George 1
Weld, 1
Wollstonecraft, Mary (Godwin) 1
Grey, Charles 1
Maurice, Thomas 1
Powell, James 1
Opie, John 1
O'Connor, Arthur (Conner) (Condorcet-O'Connor) 1
Moore, C[harles]? 1
MacDonnell, D. E. 1
Fergusson, Robert Cutlar 1
Maxwell, William 1
Moore, Sir John (Jack) 1
Miller, 1
Street, T. G. 1
Dyer, George 1
Stone, John Hurford 1