28 June 1789 | Finish the Peerage |
1 December 1789 | Undertake Rousseau's
Confessions |
26 December 1789 | Propose Livy to Robinson |
29 December 1789 | Agreement of Livy |
23 March 1790 | Resume A. R. with an interval
of ten days |
26 September 1791 | read together
Introduction |
1 October 1791 | Return // to the
Introduction |
1 December 1791 | Medite |
14 April 1792 | Carry the ms to Nicholson |
14 May 1792 | Arrange |
19 August 1792 | Corrections of Common Sense |
13 January 1793 | Meditation |
14 February 1793 | Publication |
28 May 1793 | Marshal’s criticism |
27 July 1793 | notes |
24 September 1793 | Medite |
20 October 1793 | plan a treatise on
God |
22 April 1794 | Pause |
26 May 1794 | Publication |
21 October 1794 | Publication |
27 February 1795 | Proofs, F & G |
21 November 1795 | Publish Consns |
26 November 1795 | Publication of 8vo P. J. |
27 February 1797 | Publication] |
29 January 1798 | Publication |
25 March 1798 | Adept, p. 72/2 |
1 July 1798 | read Adept,
p. 37 |
3 July 1798 | Read Adept, p. 90 |
2 December 1799 | Publication |
22 December 1800 | Publication, Antonio |
6 April 1801 | Contract |
12 June 1801 | Reply to Parr published |
23 June 1802 | contract for Voltaire,
£31.10 |
4 October 1802 | Proofs |
26 June 1803 | Chaucer dies |
18 July 1803 | Proofs of Plowman |
12 August 1803 | Chaucer dies |
12 September 1803 | Read Chaucer, p. 98 |
13 September 1803 | Chaucer, p. 204 |
14 September 1803 | Chaucer, p. 276 |
15 September 1803 | Chaucer, p. 407 |
18 September 1803 | Read, p. 473; Vol. II, p. 95 |
23 September 1803 | copy lost |
13 October 1803 | Publication |
22 January 1804 | Read to M J |
29 January 1804 | do |
1 February 1804 | read to Coleridge |
4 February 1804 | transcribes |
17 February 1804 | Octavo Chaucer published |
23 February 1804 | note to
West |
24 September 1804 | Read to Curran |
24 October 1804 | (contract, Thiebault.) |
12 February 1805 | Read Fleetwood, Vol. I |
15 February 1805 | Fleetwood published |
16 February 1805 | Fleetwood, Vol. III, p. 150 |
18 February 1805 | Fleetwood, p. 342, fin |
16 July 1805 | Mulready narrative |
18 July 1805 |
narratif |
19 July 1805 | Mulready, çala |
21 October 1805 | Publication, Fables |
1 November 1805 | Read to M
J |
19 December 1805 | read |
2 June 1806 | Engd Parvo
published |
30 September 1806 | abridge |
12 November 1806 | Letter to Lauderdale, 2 1/2
pp |
13 November 1806 | Letter to Lauderdale, 1 1/2
pp |
21 November 1806 | write |
22 November 1806 | Character of Fox published |
15 December 1806 | Pantheon published |
1 January 1807 | Richard IV, 1 page |
3 July 1807 | Read Camilla to M
J & T T |
3 October 1807 | Catalogue |
9 October 1807 | Preface to Catalogue |
20 December 1807 | Proofs. Faulkener |
18 February 1808 | Prospectus for Sharp, 2 pp |
20 October 1808 | Fables, 2 s,
published |
11 February 1809 | Sepulchres published |
22 February 1809 | Lit. History, arrange |
14 June 1809 | Dictionary, proof |
5 July 1809 | Dictionary, proof |
13 July 1809 | Rome published |
17 July 1809 | Dictionary publishede |
18 July 1809 | Write for Col. White |
29 July 1809 | I think I have made an entirely new
discovery as to the way of teaching ye Eng. lange |
4 September 1809 | cala |
6 April 1810 | Abridge Grammar |
10 April 1810 | Abridge Grammar |
25 June 1810 | Grammar, fin |
26 May 1811 | Dictionary, çla |
24 March 1812 | Legend, read |
25 March 1812 | Legend, read |
30 November 1812 | Catalogue |
1 December 1812 | Catalogue |
5 December 1812 | Catalogue |
18 December 1812 | Advertisements |
8 January 1813 | Dictionary |
9 January 1813 | Dictionary |
29 January 1813 | Dictionary |
31 January 1813 | Dictionary |
3 February 1813 | Dictionary |
5 February 1813 | Dictionary |
6 February 1814 | Advertisements |
10 February 1814 | Write for M |
13 March 1814 | Pantheon, 1 1/2 pp |
15 March 1814 | Proteus, 1/2 page |
16 March 1814 | Pantheon, p. 2 |
11 November 1814 | Write for Mt Jones |
21 January 1815 | Write for Walthausen |
24 January 1815 | Notes on Athol |
4 March 1815 | Goldsmith, for M, 4 pp, dictate |
6 March 1815 | Goldsmith, for M, 6 pp, dictate |
11 April 1815 | Advertisement |
5 May 1815 | 4 proofs |
11 May 1815 | Philipses published |
25 May 1815 | Verax, No. I (M C) publishede |
22 June 1815 | Advertisement to Verax, 1 1/2 pp |
22 June 1815 | Verax
published |
8 December 1815 | Advertisemt to C W
& St L |
16 April 1817 | Mandeville, proofs |
29 April 1817 | Proofs |
25 October 1817 | Last proofs |
26 October 1817 | Last proofs |
1 December 1817 | Mandeville published |
4 May 1818 | Will |
8 December 1818 | Advertise Malthus |
5 July 1819 | Hints
for a new // Introduction |
17 September 1819 | Malthus, calculate |
22 September 1819 | Malthus, calculate |
7 November 1819 | Swedish argument improved |
9 December 1819 | Give copy |
27 December 1819 | Recal copy |
8 January 1820 | Approach Malthus |
14 May 1820 | Geometrical ratio |
18 August 1820 | last copy |
19 October 1820 | Malthus subscribed |
25 October 1820 | Receive 1000 Malthus |
30 October 1820 | Deliver 500 Malthus |
1 November 1820 | advertised, M C & Times |
1 November 1820 | [Answer to Malthus Published.] |
6 December 1820 | Deliver 50 Malthus |
12 December 1820 | Deliver 200 Malthus |
28 December 1820 | Malthus, Index |
29 December 1820 | Malthus, index |
30 December 1820 | Malthus, index |
31 December 1820 | Malthus, index |
1 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
2 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
3 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
4 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
5 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
6 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
7 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
8 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
9 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
10 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
11 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
12 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
13 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
14 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
25 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
26 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
27 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
28 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
29 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
31 January 1821 | Malthus, index |
1 February 1821 | Malthus, index |
2 February 1821 | Malthus, index |
3 February 1821 | Malthus, index |
4 February 1821 | Malthus, index |
5 February 1821 | Malthus, index |
23 February 1821 | Index, recompile, 1 page |
14 March 1821 | Write for C C |
24 April 1821 | Write to Booth |
26 July 1821 | & cala |
25 October 1821 | Deliver 100 Malthus |
5 November 1821 | Greece, subscribe |
21 December 1821 | Call on Colburn, w.M;
Contract, au soir |
11 July 1822 | Castruccio, abridge |
12 July 1822 | Castruccio, abridge; fin |
19 February 1823 | Valperga publishede |
23 November 1823 | (Hampden) |
11 February 1824 | Commonwealth, proofs, fin |
15 February 1824 | Commonwealth, cancel, p. 17 |
26 February 1824 | Commonwealth, Vol. I,
published |
8 June 1824 | Commonwealth,
frustra |
31 July 1824 | Write for W H Dickson |
4 October 1824 | Hints for an Essay on Leisure |
24 June 1825 | Commonwealth, seek J Lilburne |
3 July 1825 | Commonwealth, p. 432/2. |
13 July 1825 | Commonwealth, Lilburne |
5 January 1826 | Proofs |
7 January 1826 | Proofs |
8 January 1826 | Proofs |
11 March 1826 | End of Vol. II |
20 March 1826 | Advertisemt |
17 April 1826 | Commonwealth,
frustra |
22 April 1826 | study for character of Long Parliament |
24 April 1826 | Commonwealth, Vol. II,
published |
24 June 1826 | Commonwealth, memorandum |
2 October 1826 | Commonwealth, p. 147, bis |
19 February 1827 | Go to press |
20 February 1827 | advertisement |
9 March 1827 | He proposes for a novel |
1 June 1827 | End of Vol. III: read |
1 June 1827 | End of Vol. III |
2 June 1827 | Commonwealth, read |
4 June 1827 | Commonwealth, read |
13 June 1827 | Commonwealth, Vol. III, published,
16 s |
30 April 1828 | Go to press |
8 May 1828 | Proof |
15 May 1828 | Proof |
21 May 1828 | Last page of Chapter
23 May 1828 | Proof |
3 June 1828 | Proof |
12 June 1828 | Proof |
19 June 1828 | Proof |
2 July 1828 | Proof |
18 July 1828 | Proof |
31 July 1828 | Proof |
3 August 1828 | Proof |
9 August 1828 | Proof |
13 August 1828 | arrange Ch. XXIII |
18 August 1828 | Proof |
20 August 1828 | Proof |
24 August 1828 | Proof |
25 August 1828 | Proof |
29 August 1828 | Proof |
31 August 1828 | Proof |
6 September 1828 | Proof |
7 September 1828 | Proof |
10 September 1828 | Proof |
18 September 1828 | Proof |
25 September 1828 | Proof |
1 October 1828 | Proof |
4 October 1828 | Proof |
8 October 1828 | Proof |
11 October 1828 | Proof |
12 October 1828 | Commonwealth, read |
14 October 1828 | send |
14 October 1828 | read |
15 October 1828 | Commonwealth, read |
17 October 1828 | Proofs |
25 October 1828 | Vol. IV published |
3 November 1828 | propose |
29 November 1828 | Contract |
29 November 1828 | contract |
6 January 1829 | Compose in bed, forget |
20 July 1829 | End of Vol. II |
24 November 1829 | End of Vol. III |
3 December 1829 | Proof |
5 December 1829 | Proof |
19 December 1829 | Proof |
30 December 1829 | Proof |
31 December 1829 | Proof. |
15 January 1830 | Proof |
23 January 1830 | Proof |
26 January 1830 | Proof |
28 January 1830 | Proofs |
28 January 1830 | Last Proofs |
4 March 1830 | Cloudesley published |
1 April 1830 | Warbeck, proofs |
23 April 1830 | Proofs |
13 June 1830 | read Self Love |
5 July 1830 | Cloudesley 1139 June 26 Colyton, W 13 . .
. |
13 September 1830 | Prospectuses |
27 October 1830 | Go to press |
3 November 1830 | Proof |
6 November 1830 | Proof |
7 November 1830 | Proof |
11 November 1830 | Proof |
12 November 1830 | Proof |
13 November 1830 | Proof |
16 November 1830 | Proof |
18 November 1830 | Proof |
20 November 1830 | Proof |
4 December 1830 | Proof |
5 February 1831 | Proof |
16 February 1831 | Last Proofs |
16 February 1831 | Last Proofs |
22 February 1831 | Thoughts on Man, copies
delivered |
15 March 1831 | Thoughts on Man F R |
18 March 1831 | Proofs |
25 March 1831 | Proofs |
1 April 1831 | Caleb Williams in one volume
published |
3 June 1831 | Here begins the study of the second wife of
Deloraine |
20 June 1831 | St Leon, Advertisement |
21 June 1831 | Proofs of St Leon |
22 June 1831 | Proofs of St Leon |
1 July 1831 | St Leon in one volume published |
25 September 1831 | End of Vol. I |
11 December 1831 | Deloraine, read |
20 February 1832 | Deloraine, Geography |
24 February 1832 | Deloraine, Bruges |
26 February 1832 | Deloraine, Bruges |
9 August 1832 | End of Vol. III |
17 September 1832 | Protestant Reformation, Plan |
18 September 1832 | Go to press |
1 November 1832 | Fleetwood, in one volume, publd |
7 November 1832 | Proofs |
27 December 1832 | Necromancers, Contract |
12 February 1833 | Deloraine published |
23 February 1833 | Copies delivered |
4 April 1834 | Go to Presse |
12 April 1834 | Proofs |
4 May 1834 | Read
Necromancers |
9 May 1834 | Necromancers, proofs |
17 May 1834 | Review of
Pol. Justice designed, May 16 |
2 June 1834 | Necromancers published |
29 August 1834 | State of Retribution,
au lit |
1 May 1835 | Transfusion Publishede |
5 January 1836 | Essays, to-morrow |