William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for December 1794



Dec. 1. M.Dine at Perry's: Holcrofts, &c. dischargede: sup at Holcroft's.

2. Tu.Play, Roman Father, & Wedding Daye; adv. Brunton & K Courtenay. Read H's Defence, pp. 92. Sup at Foulkes's, w. David F.

3. W.Sup at Holcroft's; adv. mrs Jardine. Sup at Jennings's.

4. Th.Read H's Defence, pp. 92: Dine at Fenwick's: sup at H's; adv. Mrs Jardine.

5. F.Thelwal's acquittal. Dine at Foulkes's, w. Thelwal's, Holcroft, Powel & Manning: adv. Hazlits, Williams artist, do L. F, Pearce, Hardy, Chennels & mrs Holt: Rotherld, Busby, T. Cooper

6. Sa.Call on Crompton, nah, & Inchbald ; adv. Twiss: Dyson, M. &C. dine. Thelwal's trial: see mrs Knowles & Montague: Lawrence drawsee

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Dec. 7. Su.Smith breakfasts: Walker & Hayes call: dine at Holcroft's, w. Thelwals, Foulkes's, Porson & mrs Lunan; adv. Dyson & Ritson.

8. M.M. breakfasts & dines: call on Davis: sup at Reveley's; adv. Lowry: meet Ledwich & Barbauld.

9. Tu.Call on mrs Jennings. Philomaths, fame. Marsh calls.

10. W.Virgil, 718-908. Taylor & Cr. call: dine at Martineau's, w. Morgans, Joyce, Lewis, Firth, Marsh & Lee: sup at Thelwal's, w. Ritson, Hazlits, Matthews, Powels & Hunters. Call on Lister, nah, meet Stewart & Barbaulds

12. Th.eM. breakfasts: Thelwal calls: dine w. him & Holcroft at Crompton; adv. Bromfields.

13. F.eCall on Holcroft, Northmore & Inchbd: dine at Foulkes, w. mrs Knowles: Sup at Jennings's, exp.; adv. mrs Reveley.

14. Sa.eCall on Robinson, Gerald, Fenwick nah, & C Moore nah: Taylor & Sinclair call: Dyson at tea, talk of rules of conduct.

Dec. 15. Su.eC Moore, Lister, Crisp & Foulkes call: Gerald's; Sinclair, Foulkes & Taylor: dine at Holcroft's.

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15. M.Old Bailey; Richter & Baxter dischargede; see J Gurney, junr: call on J Taylor, Fenwick, Ritson & Barbauld: dine at Hazlits, w. Holcrofts, Thelwals, Williams's, Foulkes's & Hunter, T. Cooper, mrs Read

16. Tu.M. breakfasts: Fawcet dines; adv. Webb & Nichols. Philomaths, fame.

17. W.Call on Robinson, Crompton, Gray & Holcroft: dine at Crisp's, w. Cline, Lister, Terry, capt. Burney & Wood: evg at Merry's, Wrights.

18. Th.Read Fawcet's War. Call on Porson nah, & Barry: dine at Foulkes's, w. C Moore, Holcrofts, Hazlits & Thelwals; adv. H. Richter & Shuter.

19. F.Resumee. Dine at Jennings's, w.adv. Aris, Macnamara & Cook: sup at Sutton's, w. Jo.

20. Sa.Webb & Nichols call: tea Powel's, w. Kids, Powels, Thelwals, Walker & Roberts.

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Dec. 21. Su.Smith & Cooper breakfast: Ritson calls: dine at Holcroft's, w. Porson & Coleridge, talk of self love & God.

22. M.Call on Lawrence, w. C Moore: dine at Holcrofts: sup at Reveley's, w. Jennings's.

23. Tu.Call on Robinson, Martineau, Davis & Ritson: C. dines. Philomaths, love. Correct Vol. II

24. W.Revise. Sup at Nicholson's, talk of optimism.

25. Th.Write 3 pages: revise. Dine at Foulkes's, w. Webbs Hammersmith, & Cook.

26. F.Write 3 pages: revise. Finish Les Romans de Voltaire. Snow.

27. Sa.Revise. Call on Davis: dine at C Moore's, w. Losh & Thompson; adv. Gurney.

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Dec. 28. Su.Read H's Letters. Smith breakfasts; H, C, M, & M Moore call: dine at Foulkes's, w. H, Hutchinson, Parker & Watley; adv. mrs Aris.

29. M.Call on Crisp (adv. sir Hector Monro); Inchbald; & mrs Foulkes nah: meet Shield & Bowden: dine at M's: sup at Reveley's, t.a t.

30. Tu.Parliament meets.eHouse of Commons; see Mackintosh, Tweddel, Bankes, G. Moore, Frost: call on Perry.

31. W.Revise. C dines: tea mrs Barbauld's, talk of law: sup at Jennings's.