William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for October 1819



Oct. 1. F. Malthus, 1 page. Ariosto, C. XXVII, st. 25. R Society, Wargentine. Theatre, 1/2 Othello; adv. J Taylor & Wallacee.

2. Sa. Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, st. 53. Booth dines: Hume calls n.

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Oct. 3. Su. Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, st. 70. W Curran dines: call on La. Phillips; adv. Surrs.

4. M. Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 95. Write to P Nicholson, & Mackintosh for Booth : R Society, Wargentine. R Baxter calls: theatre, 1/5 Wild Oats; adv. Aldise.

5. Tu.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Seek Ryberg (Swede): call on Baber & Hayward: Booth at tea. Ariosto, st. 121: H Tooke, Trial for Debt, pp. 85.

6. W.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 140; C. XXVIII, st. 12. Call on Tottie, & Wahlen (Swedish Chaplain): Booth at tea; adv. Rosser.

7. Th.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 27. Write to Curtis & Pouncy. R Society, Wargentine. Sup at Lloyd’s, w. mrs Lloyd & Stokes.

8. F. Malthus, 2 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 253. Macgowan & M call: call on Hume, Hayward, & T Rodd; adv. W Lowndes: T Ht sups: Talfourd calls.

9. Sa. Malthus, 2 pp. Write to Taylor, Norwich. Ariosto, st. 70. Call on Devey: Snowsna & Botwright call.

Dep. e.217, fol.  16r
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Oct. 10. Su. Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 102. T Ht calls (lecture on Rickman): Rosser at tea.

11. M. Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, C. XXIX, st. 25. Theatre, 1/2 Henry IV, pt Ie. R Taylor, Macmillan & Rosser call.

12. Tu.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 57. Hayward, M & Mackintosh call: call on Knowles, C Bonnycastle & Denley: Snow sups.

13. W. Ariosto, st. 74. Museum, Wargentine. Hayward & Ogilvie call: theatre, 1/2 Love for Lovee.

14. Th. Instructions for Scarlet, 5 pp. Ariosto, C. XXX, st. 25. Call on Hume: meet Perry & S Miller: Rosser, tea & sups. Hayward calls.

15. F. Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Write to M W S. Ariosto, st. 46. T Ht & W Curran na call, & Hayward twice; Consultatione .

16. Sa.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 75. Macmillan, W Curran, Hume & Hayward call: Booth at tea: Hazlit sups.

Dep. e.217, fol.  16v
[fol. 16v]

Oct. 17. Su. Ariosto, st. 95. Call on Scarlet & Hayward.

18. M. Ariosto, C. XXXI, st. 27. Guildhall; meet Hayward. Booth dines; adv. Hayward: Lubé au soir: theatre, 1/5 Alexandere. Trial in ejectmente:

19. Tu. Ariosto, st. 53. T T calls: call, w. him, on Haywd.

20. W. Ariosto, st. 77. Call on Booth: theatre, Fisherman’s Hut; adv. Boadene. Botwright calls.

21. Th. Malthus, revise. Write to Mackintosh. Ariosto, st. 110. M & Botwright call: call on Hayward.

22. F. Write toM W S. Ariosto, C. XXXII, st. 21. Jo G calls: theatre, 1/4 Rob Roye. Deep snow.

23. Sa.Ariosto, st. 41. Jo G breakfasts: Philipses call: Mulready dines.

Dep. e.217, fol.  17r
[fol. 17r]

Oct. 24. Su. Ariosto, st. 61. Rousseau, Confessions, V. I & II, read in this & the preceding weeks.

25. M.Ariosto, st. 80. Botwright calls: C & R Baxter dine; adv. Booth.

26. Tu.Malthus, 3 pp. Ariosto, st. 110. M & Johnstone call: call on P Nicholson.

27. W. Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, C. XXXIII, st. 25: Age of Reason, çala. Sternutatione.

28. Th.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 50. R Baxter calls: call on Hume, & Lee R Soc: theatre, Richard IIIe.

29. F. Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 70. Call on T Roddn: R Taylor calls: T Ht sups.

30. Sa.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 95. Call on Ogilvie.

Dep. e.217, fol.  17v
[fol. 17v]

Oct. 31. Su.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 128: Plutarch, Treatise, VII, fin. Hazlit sups.