William Godwin's Diary

Lloyd, Charles

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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 21 times, but was not at home (N) 8 times, and was a venue (V) 9 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


19  June  1819 (N) 21  June  1819 (NV) 25  June  1819 (NV) 2  July  1819 6  July  1819 18  July  1819 (V) 22  July  1819 2  August  1819 (NV) 9  August  1819 (N) 28  September  1819 7  October  1819 (V) 11  December  1819 15  December  1819 (V) 19  December  1819 24  December  1819 (N)


5  January  1820 (N) 22  January  1820 (V) 16  February  1820 11  March  1820 (NV) 24  March  1820 (V)


31  May  1822

  • Name: Lloyd, Charles
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date: 12  February  1775
  • Death Date: 16  January  1839
  • Occupation: novelist

Charles Lloyd was a poet who had friendships with Coleridge (with whom he lived 1796-7) and Charles Lamb, and he associated with Thomas Manning, Wordsworth, De Quincey, Hazlitt, and Southey. Lloyd suffered from mental illness at various points in his life.

As well as his poetry, which was published with Coleridge's, he also wrote an epistolary novel Edmund Oliver (1798) which attacked the radical views on the primacy of rationality over emotion and those on marriage linked to Godwin. The novel was partly a result of his being caricatured as a radical by James Gillray in The New Morality (1798), a reputation that Lloyd was keen to lose. He settled in London in 1818-19.

Godwin notes a 'C Lloyd' ten times between 1819 and 1822. He is often with Hazlitt or Lamb and the diary entry for 19 December 1819 'Isabel, by C Lloyd, fin.' is taken as partly confirming the identification as Charles Lloyd. Godwin must have seen an advance copy of Lloyd's obscure novel. The DNB believes his illness returned some time after 1823 and eventually went to a maison de santé in France, which perhaps explains why he disappears from the diary after 1822.

All instances of Lloyds between 1819-1822 have been coded as Charles Lloyd. He may appear elsewhere in the diary but there is no evidence to support such an identification at this time. His brother, Robert Lloyd, also appears in the diary.

A candidate for the unidentified entries from the DNB is Charles Lloyd (1766-1829), dissenting minister and schoolmaster, who settled in London around 1809 until his death.

  • DNB
  • E.V. Lucas, The Life of Charles Lamb, 2 vols (1905, 7th edn. London: Methuen and Co. Ltd., 1921).

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Irving, Washington 1
Hazlitt, Sarah (née Stoddart) 1
Alsager, Thomas Massa 1