July 1. Th. Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 74. Botwright at tea. Write to Pearson. Robertson, North America, çala.
2. F.Robertson, fin. Knowles & Pollexfen dine: H Robinson sups. invités Irving & C Lloyd.
3. Sa.Chalmers, United Colonies, çala. Bride of Lammermoor, p. 81. Wageman calls.
July 4. Su.Malthus, 2 1/2 pp. Lammermoor, p. 224. Dine at Hume’s, w. Minn & W; adv. Anderson. Ariosto, st. 90.
5. M.Malthus, 2 pp.Ariosto, st. 111: Lammermoor, p. 270. Ogilvie & Eastwick call: T H sups. Hints for a new // Introduction.
6. Tu. Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 122: Lammermoor, p. 333. Lambs// sup & H Robinson; adv. Booth; invité Lloyd.
7. W. Malthus, 12 lines. Write to Taylor, Norwich, & P H G. Ariosto, st. 134: Lammermoor, Vol. II, p. 122. Wagemanna.
8. Th.Malthus, Introduction, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, C. XV, st. 12: Lammermoor, p. 324. Ogilvie calls, & Botwright.
9. F. Malthus, Introduction, p. 4/2. Ariosto, st. 28. Rosser calls: dine at Ogilvie’s (Sparrow’s), w. 2 Branscombs.
10. Sa. Ariosto, st. 46: Lammermoor. Vol. III, p. 194. Booth &P Nicholson call.
July 11. Su.Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, st. 66: Lammermoor, p. 333. Ogilvie calls.
12. M. Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, st. 87: Lammermoor, Vol. IV, p. 194. May & H Ht dine; adv. Snow: Botwrt calls: Pollexfen sups.
13. Tu.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 105. T Ht calls: call on Theobald & S Miller: mrs Hamilton sups. Prorogatione.
14. W. Ariosto, C. XVI, st. 18: Lammermoor, p. 330, fin. Call on Booth.
15. Th. Malthus, çala; 1 page. Ariosto, st. 45. Hume & Botwright calls: Mulready sups not.
16. F.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 57. Eastwick calls: Rosser tea & sups. Call on Galloway. & Hayward.
17. Sa.Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 89: Rel. Courtship, p. 38. Ogilvie calls: call on F Walsh, Custom House. Booth calls n.
July 18. Su. Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, C. XVII, st. 21: R Courtship, p. 68. Sup at Lloyd’s, w. Stokes, S Hazlit & Grosvenor L.
19. M.Ariosto, st. 43: R C, p. 158. Hazlit, T T & T Ht call: Rodd’s.
20. Tu. Malthus, revise. Write to M Burney, Ariosto, st. 64: Plutarch, Treatise I: R C, p. 196. Call on F Walsh: meet W Morgan. Playfair dies .
21. W. Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, st. 85. T T calls: Booth at tea.
22. Th.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 113. Lambs & Hazlit & son sup; invités C Lloyd & Alsager: Rosser calls; proxy to Amyot. Fire, Cow Lanee.
23. F.Malthus, 2 pp. Don Juan, by L B. Richardson of Liverpool, Ogilvie, Brodie, M Lamb & T Ht call.
24. Sa. Malthus, 2 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 135. Richardson of L, Hall, & R Baxter, & T T call: Booth sups. T Ht to Rickmane.
July 25. Su.Malthus, 2 pp. Ariosto, C. XVIII, st. 16. G Brodie, Ogilvie & T Ht dine.
26. M. Ariosto, st. 28. Call on Booth: Richardson of L calls .
27. Tu. Greenwich, w. Mulready, E Collins, M J, W & M V.
28. W.Ariosto, st. 43. Museum, Petty; adv. Brodiee: call on Lamb; adv. Coleridge.
29. Th. Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Ariosto, st. 59. Call on Amyotn: meet Boaden: Rosser calls: T Ht sups. Rodd’s. Macgowan calls. walk.
30. F. Malthus, 1 page; revise. Ariosto, st. 83. Botwright at tea: Baron sups. Write to M W S.
31. Sa. Malthus, revise. Ariosto, st. 100. Botwright at tea: Booth au soir.
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