William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for April 1819



Apr. 1. Th.Museum, Sparta & Peru; adv. Plantae. Tacitus, c. 22. W Curran sups. Summer, 3 days.

2. F. Museum, Herrera, &c.eWrite to Dr Rees. Tacitus, c. 32. Plutarch, Lysander. Botwright sups.

3. Sa. Malthus, Sparta. Write to Sherwood. Ogilvie, John Miller, Lackington & Booth call: theatre, Italianse.

Dep. e.217, fol.  2v
[fol. 2v]

Apr. 4. Su. Malthus, Aristotle, çala. Tacitus, c. 42. 3 Du Plantis’s dine; adv. mrs Hamilton & Ogilvie: call on Alsager.

5. M. Malthus, Sparta. Tickner, Irving & Ogilvie call: meet Booth & R Br: Rodd’s: Lambs sup.

6. Tu.Malthus, Thucydides. Ilberry, from Colburn, calls; & Luben: call on Knowles & Hume, w.M J: Booth at tea.

7. W. Robertson, America, p. 65 to 237. Hazlit sups.

8. Th.Robertson, çala. Ogilvie & Botwright call: tea Alsager’s, w. Lambs, Ayrton, capt. Burney, Colson, M J & W.

9. F. Malthus, 2 1/2 pp. Tickner, Irving & W Curran dine.

10. Sa. Malthus, 1/2 page. Voltaire & Montaigne. Booth at tea. Smart’s Readings, Lear, w. M J; adv. O’Brien. meet Jesse Foote. call on Taylor, Norwich; adv. R & A.

Dep. e.217, fol.  3r
[fol. 3r]

Apr. 11. Su. Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Robertson & Raynal, çala.

12. M.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. T & Harwood Ht dine; invités Hy Ht & John May: Rodd’s.

13. Tu.Malthus, 1/2 page. M & T Ht call: seek Plumptre: Staveley au soir. N G calls & W Wallacena.

14. W.Robertson, çala. Cundel, from Ewbanke, calls: call on Plumptre: Booth at tea.

15. Th. Malthus, 2 pp. Write to Bevan. Mercier & Harwood Ht call: Matthews at Home, w. We.

16. F. Malthus, 2 pp. T T,T Ht, Botwright & Ticknor call: Jo G dines; adv. N G: W Curran sups.

17. Sa.Malthus, pp. 1 1/2. T Ht & Ogilvie call: call on Plumptre: theatre, Heart of Mid Lothiane.

Dep. e.217, fol.  3v
[fol. 3v]

Apr. 18, Su.Malthus, 1 page. T Ht calls: Blaettermans dine; adv. Ogilvie.

19. M.Malthus, 1 page. Write to P H G. Dr Watson calls: theatre, Honoure.

20. Tu. Malthus, çala. Call on Booth; adv. C & R B: Ogilvie& Preston call n: Lambs sup.

21. W. The. Cibber, Life, passim. Hazlit au soir.

22. Th. The. Cibber, çala. Irving & Ticknor call n: Delacourt, fr. Johnstone.

23. F.Barrow, China, çala. Write to Rosser. Tacitus, c. 52. Ticknor & P Nicholson call. Christopher Savile dies .

24. Sa. Ellis, China, çala. Tacitus, c. 55. Write to Ticknor. W C & Blaetterman call: Booth at tea; adv. Hayward.

Dep. e.217, fol.  4r
[fol. 4r]

Apr. 25. Su. Malthus, revise. Tacitus, c. 67. W C, Mcready & Ogilvie call.

26. M. Robertson, India. Write to Constable & C Wilkins. Tacitus, c. 81. // Call on Dr Watson. W To P Nicholsone.

27. Tu.Tacitus, c. 88. Seek Mackintosh, Holland House: British Gallery; adv. Wilkie.

28. W. Tacitus, çala: Life of Curran, çala. Call on Mackintosh, D C; adv. R Taylor: Booth at tea; adv. N G.

29. Th.Malthus, pp. 3. Tacitus, Lib. III, c. 13. Botwright, Snow & M Jones call.

30. F. Malthus, p. 6. Tacitus, c. 21. Theatre, Henry IV, fine. Owen calls n.