Mar. 1. Su.Chaucer, Man of Laws, fin: Lyrical Ballads, Vol. II: Purley, p. 421: Heptameron, p. 264-295.
2. M. Chaucer, Franklin: Heptameron, p. 325. Fawcet dines; adv. M.
3. Tu. Meet Pinkerton: A Walker & Smart call: Lamb sups.
4. W.Crimes of Cabinets, p. 109. Smart callsn: sup at Lamb's; adv. White.
5. Th. Rousseau à Voltaire: Crimes of Cabinets, p. 144. A Walker calls: S E dines: Smart sups. Fawcet & Felln call.
6. F.Write to Ht. Palamon, p. 40: Crimes of Cabinets, p. 315, fin.
7. Sa.Chaucer, Palamon, fin: Hauterive, p. 34. Call on Fenwick n &Lamb: Fenwick calls, talk of Philips: sup at Fell's.
Mar. 8. Su.Proposal, pp. 4. Chaucer, Cock & Fox: Lyrical Ballads, Vol. I, çala. J J G, J Hollis and A Walker call: call on Fenwick; adv. H G, L J & Dibbin: M dines; adv. Bayles.
9. M. Write to Ritson. Chaucer, Merchant. Call on Carlisle: S E dines. Lowe dies.
10. Tu.Chaucer, Prologue, W. of B's do, Frere, & Summoner. A W calls: Keir sups.
11. W. Write to Ritson. Chaucer, Pardoner. Dine at Fell's, w. M, F & M.
12. Th.Spenser, Sonnets 38. Meet E Fenwick, Leslie, Tobin & Armety: call on Northcote, R Taylor & C Smith: sup at Lamb's, w. Rickman.
13. F.Spenser, Sonnets 88, Epithalam., M Hubberd, vs. 420. A W at tea: sup at Rickman's, w. Davy, Lamb & Beaumont.
14. Sa. Percy's Reliques, p. 144. Dine at S E's, w. F & M.
Feb. 15. Su.Percy, p. 349: F Queen, C. IV. H G & L J dine.
16. M. Percy, Vol. II: Defence of Poesy, pp. 60. M at tea (from Longman); adv. S E.
17. Tu. Percy, Vol. II: F Queen, C. V: B Jonson, apud P S, pp. 60. Write to Coleridge, Arnot & Ht. Addington, Chancellor of the Excre
18. W.F Queen, C. VI. A Walker & Smart at tea.
19. Th.Percy, Vol. III, p. 150. Tobin & Cerbre call: M dines: call on R Taylor: theatre, 1/2 Rule a Wifee. Longman's answere.
20. F.Percy, p. 349, fin: Pinkerton's Scotish Ballads, & Evergreen, çala: Shakespear, Sonnets 30. Davy calls: M dines.
21. Sa. Shakespear, Sonnets 154, fin: Pinkerton, & Evergreen, çala. S E& S Goldsmith call: A W àprès souper.
Mar. 22. Su.F Queen, C. VII. Thoughts on Nature & Romance. Meet F & R Reynolds: sup at J Hollis's. meet M Moore.
23. M. Meet Este: M dines: theatre, Deaf & Dumb, w. M & Fe.
24. Tu.Write to Ht. Evergreen, çala. Dine at Johnson's, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Edgworth & Garlick.
25. W.F Queen, C. VIII, IX, X. Meet Barbauld: sup at Reynolds's. Paul I dies
26. Th. Walk to Leadenhall Street: meet J Hollis & Lewis: M dines. Mere Oye, p. 80: Clairon, p. 60.
27. F. Don Garcie de Navarre: Mere Oye, p. 227, fin: Wits, çala. Proposal for Chaucer, pp. 4.
28. Sa.F Queen, C. XI: Castle Howel, p. 201-240; Vol. II. Northmore, miss Smith & J Hollis call: meet Mackintosh.
Mar. 29. Su. Castle-Howel, Vol. III, IV, p. 182. Dine at Fell's, w. Lambs & M.
30. M. Ossian, Dissertation: Castle Howel, p. 223, fin. M dines.
31. Tu. Fingal, B. I; Songs of Selma. Call on Ritson, Longmanna & Rees (w. M), Robinson & E Fenwick: Fenwick calls: sup at Carlisle's, w. B Plumptre & Bloxam.
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