Dine at B. Hollis's, with Disney, Romilly, Adair, Shipley, Garthshore & Felton.
Tea miss Williams's, with major Barry, Jerningham, Kippis, & Mes Piozzi, Weston, Powel & Marriot.
Jan. 11. Su.Dine at Holcroft's.
13. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with B. Hollis & Towers: advenæ Barry & Davenport.
16. F. Major Barry calls. Limitations on the regent voted 227 to 154e{.} Call on Barry. No. 10. James Street Terrace, nr Buckingham Gate.
19. M.Mr Hamilton & Willis Webb call. 38. Somerset Street. Power of the Queen voted, 229 to 165e.
22. Th.Dine at //Robinson's, with Warton, White, Kippis, J Aickin & Cal. Jenkins, L. White, Holcroft & Hamilton.
23. F.Mrs Brooke dies.
24. Sa.Dine at Hamilton's, with Warton, White, Kippis, Holcroft, Robinson, C. J. & L. W.
Jan. 25. Su.Dine at Holcroft's, with Luke White & Jenkins.
27. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with J. Hollis, Anthony & Towers.
28. W. D 1
29. Th.Dine at B. Hollis's, with Dr Thorkelin (of Iceland), baron Winckelmann, (St Eliz.), Kent, Jennings & Disney. Franklin is writing a life of himselfe.
30. F.Call on P. Robinson, Barry & Holcroft
3. Tu.Session of Parliament openede.
6. F.J Hollis calls: dine at Hollis's, with Perry, Lindsey, Disney & Kippis: Barry au soir: sup.
8. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: sup with him at Nicholson's.
17. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Shore, Kippis, Lindsey & Blackburne.
Feb. 22. Su.Dine at Holcroft's, with Fenwick.
24. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Shore, Kippis, Lindsey & Blackburne.
2. M.Dine at Robinson's, with Hamilton, Nicol & Potts.
3. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Price, Kippis, Lindsey, Towers, Davidson: see Barry.
7. Sa.Dine at B. Hollis's, with H. Wilkes, Romilly, Disney, Redmond, Shipley, Thorkelin, Mortimer, Kent, Dn.
8. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: see Lisakowi cktz & Coronatzki.
9. M.Dine at Hamilton's, with Holcrofts, Robinson, Nicol & Potts.
10. Tu.Dine at Holcroft's, read Lettre au Roi par M. de Calonne. King's Commission. Illuminations. Publico.
[Mon 16]Tea miss Williams's, with Jerningham, Cha. Moore, Dr Bailey & sisters, Mes. Nichols, Hunter, & Crompton.
16. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with J. Hollis & Blackburne. Call on Barry.
Mar. 22. Su.Dine at Holcroft's.
23. M.Tea miss Williams's, with Cha. Moo.{,} Welby, Darby & mes Marriot, Matthias, Alexander, Moore & Thomas.
24. Tu.J Hollis, Robinson & Heath call. Talk of Barry.
Mar. 29. Su. Robinson calls. Dine at Holcrofts: sup with him at Nicholson's.
No. II.
Apr. 6. 1789. Su.eCall at Mrs Webb's and Brand Hollis's. Dine at Hamilton's with Robinson.
7. M. eCall at Mrs Webb's & Brand Hollis's. Dine at Hamilton's with Robinson{.} Death of the Grand Signr
Apr. 13. Su. eDine at Holcroft's.
15. Tu.eDine at Hollis's , with Priestley, Price, Lindsey, Shore, Planta, B. & J. Hollis, & Disney. advenæ Heywood & Barry.
Apr. 20. Su.eDine at Holcroft's
21. M.eDine at B. Hollis's, with Marquetti, Winckelmann, Marriot, Disney, Wodhul, Graham, Roebuck & Felton.
22. Tu. W.eWebb calls.
[28 Tue]Call at Mrs Webb's, see the capt. & Mr Mellish. Dine at Hollis's, with, Lindsey, Planta, Majendie, Mr Blackburne, Spurling, & J Hollis. Barry au soir. sup at Holcroft's.
30. Th.Call on miss Williams & major Barry.
May 1. Fr.House of Commonse: see drs Moore & Blackburne.
2. Sa.See dr Moore: call at Robinss.
May 3. Su.Dine at Holcroft's.
5. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Towers, Madox, Majendie, & Davidson & J. Hollis. Tea miss Williams's, with Aboyne, Ellison & mes. Barwel, Marriot & Pym.
6. W.See the Exhibitionse. Dine at the Hackney dinnere London tavern: speak with Hoghton, Barbauld: see Beaufoy.
May 10. Su.Hear bishop Horsleye.
13. W.Dine at Robinson's; give him our account.
16. Sa.Dine at Holcroft's.
May 17. Su.Holcroft dines
22. Fr.Robinson calls: Holcroft sups.
26. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with B. Hollis, Lindsey, Kippis, Stavin & J. Hollis. Barry au soir. Duel of colonel Lenoxe.
30. Sa.Dine at B. Hollis's, with Taylor, Geddes, Disney, Romilly, Kent, May Jennings & G. Morgan.
May 31. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: advena J. Aickin.
4. Th.Dauphin dies. Prince of Wales refuses to dance with Lenoxe.
5. Fr.Grenville Secretary of Statee. Duke of Clarence's establishmente.
8. M.Dine at Robinson's, with Hamilton. Henry Addington Speakere.
9. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Planta, Blackburne & J Hollis.
10. W.Dine at J. Aickin's, with J Bannister, Baddeley & Holcroft.
June 14. Sa.eDine at Holcroft's.
June 21. Su.Dine at Holcroft's.
23. Tu.Difference of Necker & the King: he proposes to resigne. Dine at Hollis's, with the Garbet's.
July 1. W.Holcroft sups.
2. Th.Dine in Billingsgate, with Robinson, L. White, young Paynes & Stirling.
July 5. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: tea Nicholson's.
July 12. Su.Holcroft sups.
14. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Kippis, Disney, Planta, dr Lister & J Hollis. Gov. Ellis au soir. Call on Holcroft.
15. W.King of France submits to the National Assemblye.
July 19. Su. Dine at Holcroft's, drink tea with him at Nicholson's.
22. W.Call on Webb & Williams.
24. F.Dine at Hollis's, with Shore, Davidson & J Hollis.
27. M.Dine at Robinson's, with L. White, Archer & Macdonald.
29. W.Tea Mrs Barbauld's.
31. Fr.Dine at Hollis's, with J H. Tea miss Williams's, with major Barry, Kippis, Towers, Bailey & Bruce.
Aug. 2. Su.Dine at Holcroft's.
12. Tu.eDine at Hollis, with J Hollis & Towers: Barry au soir.
17.Su. 16.Dine at Holcroft's: tea with him at Nicholson's. Call on Webb.
19.M. 17.
21.W. 19.
22.Th. 20.
23.F. 21.
24.Sa. 22.
Aug. 23. Su.Dine at Holcroft's, with Nicholson: Aickin au soir
25. Tu.Holcroft sups. Dine at Hollis's, with Towers & Davidson.
29. Sa.Dine at Robinson's, with Hamilton, & L. White: advenæ Shield & Heath.
Aug. 30. Su.Dine at Holcroft's.
Sep. 1. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Disney & Towers.
Sep. 13. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: call with him on Nicholson & Shield.
14. M.Tea miss Williams's, with mes Weston, Powel; O'B Aboyne, Robertson & dr Bawd. Parian Chron.e
15. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Kippis, dr Russel, Thorkelin, Lister & J Hs.
Sep. 20. Su.Dine at Holcrofts with Nagel.
25. F.Dine at Hollis's, with Lindsey, Fraser, Montgomery, & J Hollis. advenæ Price & Belcham.
Sep. 27. Su.Dine at Holcroft's with Nagel.
31.Th. Oct. 1.
2. F.Finish the French history.
Oct. 11. Su.Robinson calls. Dine at Holcroft's: sup with him at Nicholson's.
20. Tu.Dine at Hollis's with Topham
21. W.Finish the Annual Register
Oct. 25. Su.//Dine at Holcroft's.
3. M.Sup at Holcroft's.
4. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with B. & J. Hollis, Lindsey, Disney, Belcham, Thorkelin.
5. W.Dine with the Revolutionists: see Price, Kippis, Rees, Towers, Lindsey, Disney, Belcham, Forsaith, Morgans, Listers, S. Rogers & B. Wits. Present, earl Stanhope, //Beaufoy, H. Tooke & count Zenobio . see B. Hollis, Jennings, Lofft & Robinsone. sup with Fawcet.
Nov. 8. Su.Dine at Holcrofts: elopement de son filse.
9. M.To Gravesende.[Not in London]
10. Tu.Dine at Robinson's, with Hamilton, Wendeborn, Nicolovius &, Swinney.
Nov. 15. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: set out for Deale. Call upon to Crosdil w. Holcroft.[Not in London]
16. M.Mort de son filse.[Not in London]
17. Tu.Funeraillese: to have drank tea with Holcroft at miss Williams's.[Not in London]
18. W.J. Hollis & Robinson call.
19. Th.Call on Aickin & Shield.
20. F.Call on Robinson: talk of Mirabeau, Peyssonnel, Rousseau & Holcroft. Dine at Hollis's, with Lindsey, Homer & J. H.
Nov. 22. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: Crosdil calls.
23. M.Call on miss Williams.
27. F.Dine at Holcroft's: write a paragraph sur son fils.
Nov. 29. Su.Holcroft & G. Dyson dine.
Dec. 1. Tu.Dine with Robinson seul. Undertake Rousseau's Confessions
8. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Price, Planta & Shore. Call on miss Wms.
11. F.Tea miss Williams's, with misses Baileys, Marriot & Moon, Mrs Nichols & dr Moore.
21. M.Tea miss Williams's: with Aboyne, Holcroft & mrs Barwel.
22. Tu.Dine at B. Hollis's: with count Zenobio, Lofft, Romilly & an Amern. H. Tooke is pro slaverye. Ml Mu charged his son £2000 for 3 Lettres de Ct. Dr Price disapproves of Mu's banke.
25. F.Dine at Holcroft's, with Nicholson.
26. Sa.Holcroft dines. Propose Livy to Robinson.
Mar. Dec. 27. Su.Dine at Nicholson's, with Holcroft.
29. Tu.Agreement of Livy. Dine at Hollis's: with Disney, Towers & Simpson, E. T.
31. Th.It was in this year that I read & criticised the Simple Story in Ms.