Dec. 1. Tu.Dine with Robinson seul. Undertake Rousseau's Confessions
8. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Price, Planta & Shore. Call on miss Wms.
11. F.Tea miss Williams's, with misses Baileys, Marriot & Moon, Mrs Nichols & dr Moore.
21. M.Tea miss Williams's: with Aboyne, Holcroft & mrs Barwel.
22. Tu.Dine at B. Hollis's: with count Zenobio, Lofft, Romilly & an Amern. H. Tooke is pro slaverye. Ml Mu charged his son £2000 for 3 Lettres de Ct. Dr Price disapproves of Mu's banke.
25. F.Dine at Holcroft's, with Nicholson.
26. Sa.Holcroft dines. Propose Livy to Robinson.
Mar. Dec. 27. Su.Dine at Nicholson's, with Holcroft.
29. Tu.Agreement of Livy. Dine at Hollis's: with Disney, Towers & Simpson, E. T.
31. Th.It was in this year that I read & criticised the Simple Story in Ms.
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