William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for May 1813



May 1. Sa.Call on Nichols & Triphook: Hamond calls.

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May 2. Su.Philipses, p. 105/2. Dine at S E’s, w. M J, F & M.

3. M.Philipses, p. 106. Exhibition; adv. Perry, M Burney & Turnerellie: call on Theobald & Hume: dine at Curran’s, w. A C; adv. Tegart: call on Rodd.

4. Tu.Philipses, p. 107. See Haslewood: call on Hume, Place & Rodd.

5. W. Call on Phipps, Maltby L I, Heber & Haselwood col. Stanley’s; adv. Perry: dine at Curran’s, w. A C.

6. Th.Call on Smith, Organist, Rodd, Sturt & Mason: seek Joseph Smith & Bayley: Hamond dines.

7. F. Philips, Don Quixote, çala. Call on Bayley, Bagster, & Newman, Newgate.

8. Sa. Philipses, p. 112. E Topping calls: seek Dr Kitchener: call on Boadenn: Owen at tea: Dawe sup[s?]

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May 9. Su.Philipses, p. 116. Call on Curran: dine at Hume’s, w. Listons, Lambs, Dawes, M Burney; adv. mrs Reeves, mrs Hutchinson, mrs Brumsted & Rawley.

10. M.A C calls: call on Curtis, Macmillan & Kitchener: Lambs sup.

11. Tu.Call on Brookes, Wilson, Place, Hume, Knowles & J Taylor: dine at Curran’s, w. A C: call on Waldron.

12. W.Red-Cross Library; Mercuries: dine at Wilson’s, w. Lambs & Dyer; adv. Eaton & capt. Burney: tea Curran’s; adv. T Moore.

13. Th. Call on W Allen, Vaughan, Phipps, H Rogers, Jo G & Jervis: M dines: dine at Curran’s, w. A C; adv. T Moore & Williams. Owen calls.

14. F.Deptford; C Burney’s; Newspapers: call on Place.

15. Sa.Philipses, p. 119. Call on Bagster & Rodd: Owen sups: Hogan at tea: meet Rough & Robinson.

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May 16. Su.Philipses, p. 121. Owen 1/2 dines.

17. M. Philipses, pp. 2. Reynolds, Exhibition; w. M J, F, M & C Baxter; adv. Wilkiee: H Robinson sups.

18. Tu.Philipses, pp. 2. Reynolds, Exhibitione. Call on Lauderdale n & Edgworthsn: call of Chalmers.

19. W.Call on Orme & Launcelot Sharpe: Sion College, Mercuries & Romancese.

20. Th.Call on Ellis, Gosset, Leigh & Place: Owen at tea: Hogan sups. M dines.

21. F.Lackington’s, Plutarch, Morals: call on Baber, B M.

22. Sa.Deptford; Burney’s, Struvius, &c: return, w. a pressed sailor, 5 years absent.

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May 23. Su.Dunton & Dryden, çala. Call, w. M J, on Lambs; adv. Morgans: S E dines.

24. M.Museum; Bayle, Plutarch & Boyer:ecall on Sheldon; adv. Towers. W C Brown calls na.

25. Tu.Philipses, p. 123. Red Cross Library; Plutarch & Tacituse: call on Knowles & Wilson & Place.

26. W. Philipses, p. 124, 129, 130, 131/2. Duellum Musicum, pp. 52. Call on Aldis: E Mercier calls.

27. Th.Toland, Life of Milton. Meet J Foot: M Baugh at tea.

28. F.Philipses, p. 135, fin.

29. Sa.Philipses, 1 1/2 pp. Fanshaw, Horace. Edgworths, May & Trotman call: W C Brown at tea: tea Aldis’s, w. Actons, Manning, Woodifield, M J, F, M, J, W & Chr. Baxter.

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May 30. Su.Philipses, p. 137; Preface, pp. 2. Call on Place; adv. Thomas: tea Kenney’s, w. M J, F, M, J, B M, Cbr & Fred. Pinkerton. miss Baugh calls na.

31. M.Write to Crowe & Patrickson. Sion Collegee, London Institutione & Lackington’s : miss Baugh calls, ppc. sup at Lamb’s, w. M J, F, M, J, C Br & W.