Dryden, çala (16 March 1811) Dryden,
The works of John Dryden: now first collected in eighteen
vols., illustrted with notes, historical, critical, and explanatory,
and a life of the author, by W. Scott.
1808WG's sale catalog lists a later edition of Dryden's
Dryden's Works, with Life and Notes by Sir Walter Scott,
18 vol.
1808 (item 208)
OR, recorded on
Dryden, JohnMalone, EdmondThe critical and miscellaneous prose works of John Dryden:
now first collected: with notes and illustrations; an account of
the life and writing of the author, grounded on original and
authentick documents; and a collection of his letters, the greater
part of which has never before been published. 1800WG's sale catalog lists:
Dryden's Prose Works, by Malone,
portraits, first two volumes
1800 (item
Mentions in the Diary