Dec. 1. Sa.Fleetwood, 1 1/2 pages; revise. Pamela, p. 48. Call on Wordsworth: dine at H Rowan's, w. M J: theatre, Barbarossa, w. 4 Rowans, mrs Carles, mrs Wake, L Ht, & M Je. Lamb calls n.
Dec. 2. Su.Fleetwood, 1/2 page. Pamela, p. 98. Wake calls: call on H Rowan: dine at Ht's, w. Mercier, F & M J; adv. Betsy M & A Nicholson.
3. M.Fleetwood, 2 pages. All for Love, çala: Pamela, p. 152. Call, w. M J, on Lambn: theatre, C G; adv. Perry & Wakee.
4. Tu.Fleetwood, revise. Call on J G, Jo G, Taylor & Davison: theatree: tea at Hollis's. Write to Ht.
5. W.Tancrede, acte 1; Pamela, p. 202. Call on Luntley & Hill, P S: theatre, w. M J & Jas Wt (Jas Wt dines), 3/10 School for Scandal; adv. Knight & Reynoldse.
6. Th.Fleetwood, revise. Write to A G. E F calls: dine at Rickman's, w. Lambs & Dyer; adv. Burney: sup at E Napier's, w. M J. Pamela, p. 242.
7. F.Fleetwood, revise. [Perkin Warbeck.] Pamela, p. 268. Write to Luntley. Everina calls n: call on J G, Jo G, Wordsworth & R Taylor: meet M, (J King) & Lamb.
8. Sa.Fleetwood, 1/2 page; revise. Pamela, p. 290. Call on Wroughton: theatre, Douglas; adv. (Lawrence,) O Brien & Hutchinse.
Dec. 9. Su.Tancrede, actes 2, 3, 4: Adelphi, act 1: Pamela, p. 344. Sup at Lamb's, w. Hazlit.
10. M.Fleetwood, 1 1/2 pages. Adelphi, act 2, 3: Pamela, p. 359. Walk, w. Jo G, to Primrose Street: theatre, Thirty Thousand; adv. Perry & Mortone: sup at H Rowan's, w. M J.
11. Tu.Write to Everina. Pamela, p. 386. Call on Nicholson; &, w. M J, on Northcoten & Volsey.
12. W.Fleetwood, revise. No. 12, Primrose Street, w. Jo G, C & workmen; adv. Gower: dine at Johnson's, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Weekes, Davy & Young.
13. Th.Write to Philips. Pamela, p. 419: Tancrede, acte 5. Call on Wordsworth, Humfries, R Taylor & Saunderson (£32): theatre; adv. Reynolds, Hill & Gawler junre.
14. F.Fleetwood, revise. Tobin, Fk, Spankie & friend, Hazlit, Battie & Lloyd call: call, w. M J, on Wake & L Ht (adv. Volsey): sup, do at H Rowans.
15. Sa.Fleetwood, revise. Thibault, T. V, p. 96: Pamela, Vol. IV, p. 16. Call on Wordsworth: Turner calls n: theatre, Barbarossae.
Dec. 16. Su.Fleetwood, 1 page; revise. Write to Everina. Pamela, p. 64. Hutchins & J J G call.
17. M.Fleetwood, revise. Adelphi, act 4 & 5: Pamela, p. 78. Batty, L S, calls: Jas Wt dines; adv. Lamb.
18. Tu.Fleetwood, p. 211, 212. Everina dines: Westminster Play, Adelphi; adv. Lamb & M Burneye.
19. W.Write to Everina. Pamela, p. 142. Tea Johnson's, w. Bonnycastle: sup at Lamb's: Turner calls n.
20. Th.Fleetwood, p. 214. Write to Wroughton. Call on Jo G; adv. Batty (£35): Turner calls. Pamela, p. 186.
21. F.Fleetwood, p. 216. Thiebault, p. 160: Pamela, p. 218. Call on Wordsworth: Lambs & Jas Wt dine. meet L Knapp & M Ml.
22. Sa.Pamela, p. 294. Call on Luntleyn, Palmer, Thurgar & mrs Hill.
Dec. 23. Su.Fleetwood, p. 219/2. Jas Wt dines; adv. Wakes & Mcbeth Turner.
24. M.Fleetwood, p. 220/2, bis. Everina & 5 Rowans call: call on Wordsworth. Pamela, p. 1 315.
25. Tu.Fleetwood, p. 221/2. Thiebault, p. 210. Hts, Turner & J G dine.
26. W.Fleetwood, p. 222/2, & 1 page. Thiebault, p. 236. Call on Wordsworth: theatre, 1/2 Barnwel, & Harlequin Quicksilver; adv. Battye.
27. Th.Fleetwood, p. 225. Call on Wordsworth, & J J G, & Combe, w. M J: meet Reynolds & Este: theatre, Tottenham Street, w. M J, 1/2 Rivals & Hermit; adv. Turner & mrs Hodgese.
28. F.Fleetwood, p. 228. Cleone. Call on Napier, for M J: theatre, 1/10 Dramatiste: Rowans call.
29. Sa.Fleetwood, p. 230. Call on Northcote: Everina dines: theatre, w. M J, Land we Live in; adv. Hts & Harwoodse.
Dec. 30. Su.Fleetwood, p. 232. Revenge, acts 3, 4, 5. Dine at Ht's, w. Harwoods, Carlisle, Buchan, Mercier, M J & 5 children: call on H Rowan, w. M J.
31. M.Fleetwood, p. 233/2. Mariamne, actes 1 & 2. Hazlit calls: call on Wordsworth, Custom-House, Battyn, mrs Hill, Luntleyn, Lyen, Palmer & Sanderson: Jas Wt dines. Write to Sheridan.
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