William Godwin's Diary

Knapp, Leonora

Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 96 times, but was not at home (N) 3 times, and was a venue (V) 22 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


10  December  1800


3  April  1802 (V)


3  April  1803 10  June  1803 10  June  1803 16  June  1803 5  July  1803 (V) 14  July  1803 (V) 5  September  1803 11  September  1803 (NV) 15  September  1803 (V) 18  September  1803 30  December  1803 (V)


6  January  1804 26  January  1804 2  February  1804 (V) 17  February  1804 (V) 20  February  1804 (V) 20  March  1804 28  March  1804 7  April  1804 8  April  1804 18  May  1804 27  June  1804 2  August  1804 5  August  1804 23  August  1804 30  August  1804 (V) 8  October  1804 21  December  1804


26  January  1806 13  February  1806 19  March  1806 18  June  1806 19  June  1806 10  July  1806 18  July  1806 11  September  1806 (V)


15  March  1807 13  June  1807 (V) 21  June  1807 23  August  1807


21  February  1808 23  September  1808


8  March  1809


9  June  1810 14  June  1810


31  July  1811


3  October  1812


24  January  1814 23  July  1814 7  August  1814 7  August  1814 8  August  1814 13  August  1814 25  August  1814 (V) 5  September  1814 23  September  1814 25  September  1814 27  September  1814 2  October  1814 (V) 19  October  1814 21  October  1814 (NV) 23  October  1814 24  October  1814 10  November  1814 21  November  1814 23  November  1814 (V) 30  November  1814 (N) 13  December  1814


18  February  1815 11  April  1815 9  June  1815


7  June  1826 8  June  1826 21  June  1826 (V) 11  July  1826 18  July  1826 (V) 20  July  1826 (V) 21  July  1826 22  July  1826 (V) 12  September  1826


8  June  1828 (V) 16  June  1828 25  August  1828


29  May  1830


5  April  1832 20  September  1832


27  January  1833 (V)


3  July  1834 8  July  1834 22  July  1834 3  August  1834 12  October  1834 17  October  1834 26  October  1834

  • Name: Knapp, Leonora
  • Gender: Female
  • Birth Date:
  • Death Date:
  • Occupation: landlady

St Clair (p. 375) describes Mrs Knapp as Godwin's landlady at Somers Town and describes a plan, which Mrs Knapp vetoed, for Jane to go and live with her in 1815.The editors of Mary Shelley's Journal identify Leonora Knapp, Godwin's landlady at the Polygon, who became a family friend, and whom Godwin sought to persuade to have Claire to live with her. p. 46. Claire was very resistant.

It is assumed that all 'LK's prior to 1812 refer to Knapp. After the marriage of Louisa Holcroft to James Kenney, things are not so certain. We find both an entry in 1814 for: 'LK and L Kenney at tea' and an entry for 24 October 1814 'L K, L Knapp call'. Godwin also uses 'L Ky' on occasion, presumably to differentiate between Knapp and Kenney. There is, moreover, a high degree of overlap between the social circles of LK and L Knapp.

We can be confident that all L K' s'up to March 1812 refer to Knapp, since Louisa Holcroft does not become Kenney until then. After this date, Godwin seems, in a quite random fashion, to refer to both women as 'L K'. To complicate matters, both women socialised with each other and had mutual friends thus, are difficult to be identify with certainty. However, examining the contact from 1812 onwards, it seems clear that he has much more contact with Kenney than Knapp and that, judging from the number of times 'L K' appears associated with James Kenney, the Holcrofts, the Merciers, and the Lambs, he begins to use 'L K' more and more for Kenney. Knapp, on the other hand, seems to be closely linked to Marshall.

Entries between March 1812 and December 1815 have been coded on an individual basis. If L K appears with Kenney or the Holcrofts/Merciers, it has been coded for Louisa Holcroft/Kenney; if LK appears with Marshall then it has been coded for Knapp. If the situation is unclear, the default has been assumed to be Louisa Holcroft/Kenney. After 1815 Mrs Knapp seems to cease appearing in the diary, save for an entry in 1830.

  • St Clair
  • The journals of Mary Shelley, 1814–1844, ed. by Paula R. Feldman and Diana Scott-Kilvert, 2 vols (Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press; Clarendon Press, 1987).

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Marshall, James 11
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) 10
Cooper, Thomas (Abthorpe) 5
Cooper, Grace Mary Rae 4
Holcroft, Louisa (née Mercier) 2
Imlay, Fanny (Godwin) 2
Fell, Sarah 2
Fell, Ralph 2
Barham, Richard Harris 1
Stanhope, Lincoln (Edwin Robert) 1
Caunter, Reverend John Hobart 1
Lobrot, Marie Ann 1
Hayward, Richard 1
Hewlett, Reverend John 1
Lamb, Mary Anne 1
Poole, John 1
Lamb, Charles 1
Kenney, James 1
Wollstonecraft, Edward (Bland) 1
Cooke, George Frederick 1
Holcroft, Thomas 1
Fenwick, Orlando 1
Clairmont, Clara Mary Jane (Claire) 1
Clairmont, Charles 1
Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft (née Godwin) 1
Reynolds, Richard 1