May 1. Su.Old K John, fin. Owen breakfasts: call on Placen: C M dines: sup at Kenney’s, w. M J & C C; adv. Clarkson. Call on Lamb.
2. M. Send to Ballachey, Pike & Davison: call on Placen: M & Hogan call.
3. Tu. Write to Shelley. Call on Place, Hogan & Jo G: M on Ballacheye: M & A Curran dine: seek B M.
4. W. Send to Macmillan & Rodd. Call on Davison, Hume & Place: write to Hamilton & Moore: Constable, Fleming & A Curran dine; invités Wolcot, Kenney, &Owen & M.
5. Th.Call on Constable (Belisarius), w. M, M J, F, M & J; adv. Fleming: & on Ballachey: Shelley dines.
6. F. M from Teasdale: call on Mackintoshna: meet A C: S E dines: Shelley calls.
7. Sa. Gill calls: call on Mackintosh: M from Teasdale{.} Deliquiume.
May 8. Su. Call on Aldis, w. C C; adv. mrs Slater: call on Waldron.
9. M. Call on Davison (£150), &, w. A C, on Constable: Exhibition, w. A Ce: Hogan calls: call on Hendrie, w. M J. adv. Wilkie.
10. Tu. Write to Shelley. C C to Teasdalee: A C, Constable, Gill & Jas Smithna call. Deliquiume.
11. W.Write to Shelley. M to Nash & Burtone: call, w. do, on Place: Owen, Graham, Hogan call: H Robinson sups. Deliquia duoe. Dowlings call na. Letter from Lady Mackintosh. Dissolution of Cortese. M dines.
12. Th.M to Pike, Heaton & Teasdalee: M dines: A & S Taylor at tea; adv. Owen; invited, but postpond, Aldises, & W & A Curran. Deliquia tria; multa imperfectae.
13. F. C C to Teasdale twicee: Shelley calls: Graham of Glasgow sups. Write to Lady Mackintosh.
14. Sa.M to Teasdale, Ballachey & Burtone: Owen calls; Hogan & Grahamna. Calamities of Authors, p. 230.
May 15. Su.Calamities of Authors, p. 324; Vol. II, p. 160.
16. M. Calamities, p. 333. M to Teasdalee: Hogan at tea.
17. Tu. Esprit, çala. Write to Hamond.
18. W. Shelley & Pilcher calln, & P Smithna: M to Teasdalee: meet Lamb. Write to Murray. Varillas, De Croy, p. 56.
19. Th. M to Teasdale & Burtone: call on Place: M dines: theatre, Othello; adv. Ward, Middleton, H & A Robinson, R Sharp & Boddingtone.
20. F. Shelley calls; walk: A C calls. Carrizales, pp 55.
21. Sa. Massinger, Preface. Call on Murray: M calls. Owen at tea.
May 22. Su. City Madam; Bondman, acts 1, 2, 3. Pilcher sups. Write to Constable.
23. M. Bondman, acts 4, 5: Toland, Druids, p. 20. Shelley, T Fauldern, S E & mrs Fairfield call: message from T D. F for Pentredevye. Sup at Lb’s, w. M J. E Napier calls.
24. Tu. Roman Actor: G Fletcher, Russia; p. 52. Chamberlaine calls: Hogan sups.
25. W. Very Woman. Burton promises a discount. M calls.
26. Th.Call on Hayward w. Shelley, & Ballachey w. M: M from Teasdale: Letterman calls, T Faulder & Hayward, Owen & Hogann: meet T Davison: //Shelley dines. Bardouc, p. 60.
27. F.Fatal Dowry, act 1: Bardouc, p. 96. Call on Hayward, w. Shelley, & on Burton: mrs Topping dines.
28. Sa.Fatal Dowry, act 2: Bardouc, p. 136. Owen, M & Gill call.
May 29. Su.Notes on Bonaparte. Fatal Dowry, fin. Dine at Kenney’s, w. Poole & Terry; adv. M Burney, H Robinson & Amyot. Write to Constable.
30. M. Write to Shelley. Maid of Honour, acts 1 & 2. Call on Teasdale & Saunders. Peacee.
31. Tu. Write to Brooks. Call on Place, w. C C; adv. Lambert & Owen: Owen & R Taylor call: sup at S E’s, w.M J, M & J.
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