Oct. 1. Sa. Antony, act 3. Call on Martelli: C C from Parker & Stevenson: Say (from Slabrendorf) & M call.
Oct. 2. Su. Write to Hogan. Lamb, Specimens, çala. Dine at L K’s, w. F Pinkerton; adv & M J; adv. F Ht, Dowlings, miss Milner, F & C C. C C from Place.
3. M. Call on Richards: seek Botwright, Murray & B M: F Pinkerton calls n: C C from A Robinson; seeks Mullete.
4. Tu. Write to Davison. C C from Mullet: seek Valpy & Gillies: call on Hayward, & Hume & Knowles: M J from Simpson. Pratt dies.
5. W. Call on Hollier, Vale & Abud, refiners, Arden, Hayward & Clinton: M J from Simpson: C C from Hardwick & Hume: Mrs Hayward callsna: meet Lambs.
6. Th. Call on Thelwal: Hayward calls thrice: Thomson of Newburgh sups. Write to Thelwal.
7. F. Colin Clouts Come Home Again. W Curran, Say & Hayward call. Letter to Constable: write to Lambs.
8. Sa.Spenser, çala. C C from Sabine: J Goodwin calls. Write to Hogan.
Oct. 9. Su.Virgil’s Gnat: Malone’s Supplemt, 1780, çala.
10. M. Hymn to Love. Write to Sabine. Theatre, 2/3 Romeoe. Call on Hayward: C C from Rickman, Martelli & Jas White.
11. Tu. Hymn to Beauty. Hume & M call: call on Vale: Lambs sup.
12. W. Write to Hogan. Tears of the Muses. Call on Hayward & Vale.
13. Th. 1/2 Mother Hubberd. M calls from Jane: call on Vale, 3 times: S E dines.
14. F. Mother Hubberd, fin. Call on Vale & Hogan: H Robinson calls n.
15. Sa. Write to Jane, A B & Latouch. Ruins of Rome. Christ Rejectede, w. M J. Constable callsn. C C writes to Ings, Salisburye.
Oct. 16. Su.Eldred: Churchyard, Shore’s Wife & Wolsey.
17. M. Write to Hume. Antony, act 4. M J from Hammersmith.
18. Tu. Write to Thelwal. Antony, act 5.
19. W. Astrophel, p. 7: Languet, p. 70. L Knapp calls: call on M, w. C C.
20. Th.Eldred, acts 1, 2, 3; notes. Astrophel, p. 16: Languet, p. 83. Peacock calls: call on Hayward.
21. F. Eldred, 1/2 act 4. Astrophel, p. 22. Hume, M & Macmillan call: call on L Knapp n.
22. Sa. Letter to W Miller, Astrophel, p. 30. Thos Wilkie calls: call on Constablen, Hogan, & Haywardn.
Oct. 23. Su. Eldred, fin. Astrophel, p. 40: Milton, Divorce, & Defensio, çala. Call on L Knapp & M: Hayward calls.
24. M. Astrophel, p. 51, fin: Languet, p. 87: Romeo, act 1. Ings, L K, L Knapp, & M (from Hookhams) & Tahourdin call: M dines.
25. Tu. Vertot, Bretons, p. 80: Romeo, act 1 & 2. Ings & Tho. Wilkie call: F from Jane.
26. W. Hymn of Love: Dennis, çala. Ings calls: call on Thelwal.
27. Th. Hymn of Beauty: Romeo, act 3. Ings, Wilkie, Ings, Constable & Jas White call: C C from Hogan.
28. F. Deliquiume. Hayward calls: call on Hume: C C from Hogan & Place.
29. Sa. Wilson, Rhetorike, çala: Burton, çala. Thos Wilkie calls: C C from Longman.
Oct. 30. Su.Boiatuau, çala: Romeo, acts 4, 5: Montaigne, p. 213-234.
31. M. Spenser, Sonnets 40: Brantome, Borgia, pp. 4 20. Call on Knowles, & w. C C, on Longman & Jo G: M dines .
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