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This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 54 times, but was not at home (N) 5 times, and was a venue (V) 21 times.
You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.
29 March 1809 (V)
18 July 1811 3 November 1811 (V) 26 November 1811 (NV) 26 December 1811 27 December 1811 (V)
16 February 1813 31 July 1813 (V) 4 August 1813 (V) 18 October 1813 28 October 1813 (V)
30 March 1814 (V) 18 May 1814 21 May 1814 (V) 11 June 1814 (V) 3 October 1814 7 December 1814 (NV) 12 December 1814 (V) 17 December 1814 (NV) 19 December 1814 (V) 23 December 1814 29 December 1814
26 November 1815 (V)
23 January 1816 27 January 1816 15 April 1816 20 April 1816 (V)
31 July 1822 1 August 1822 8 August 1822 18 September 1822
24 June 1823 12 August 1823 19 September 1823 (NV) 25 September 1823 (V) 5 November 1823 (NV) 7 November 1823 (V)
19 February 1832 3 March 1832 9 March 1832 (V) 10 March 1832 18 March 1832 30 March 1832
31 March 1833 11 November 1833 14 November 1833
See his family's DNB, "Murray family".
The entries after 1807 are to the pubisher John Samuel Murray. The first entry in 1807 links him to Cooper, Constable and Philips. Later entries link him to Byron, eg. 'Call on Murray; adv. Byron' (4.8.1813) and further proof is given by Godwin's letter to Murray for 10 March 1832, which he records writing on in the Diary for that date.
The Murray in 1793 is a perruquier. There are two entries for L. W. Murray and La Murray. This is not Mansfield's wife, who dies in 1784.
'Vote for Murray' on 18 March 1833 refs not to John Murray but to Thomas Murray Esq., who stood in the Mary-la-Bonne Parliamentary election on a radical platform, but withdrew the day after Godwin records voting for him.
This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.
Name | Number of Meetings |
Stepney, Lady Catherine (née Pollok) (Manners) | 4 |
Bury, Lady Charlotte Susan Maria (née Campbell) | 4 |
Ayrton, William | 4 |
Lardner, Dionysius | 3 |
Sheridan, Charles | 3 |
Uwins, Thomas | 3 |
Shepherd, Lady Mary (née Primrose) | 3 |
Jerdan, William | 3 |
Pickersgill, Henry William | 2 |
Stanhope, Leicester Fitzgerald Charles (fifth earl of Harrington) | 2 |
Fairley, John | 2 |
Campbell, Thomas | 1 |
Joseph, Samuel | 1 |
Knowles, John | 1 |
Hill, (Thomas) | 1 |
Brockedon, William | 1 |
Ollier, Charles | 1 |
Poole, Edward Richard | 1 |
Czartoryski, Prince Adam Jerzy | 1 |
Kenney, James | 1 |
Poole, John | 1 |
Blanchard, Edward (Samuel) | 1 |
Byron, Lord George Gordon (sixth baron Byron) | 1 |
Babbage, Charles | 1 |
Perry, James (Pirie) | 1 |
Stael von Holstein, Baroness Germaine ( Anne-Louise, née Necker, Germaine de Stael) | 1 |
Curran, John Philpot | 1 |
Adair, Robert | 1 |
Robinson, Henry Crabb | 1 |
Mackintosh, Sir James (of Kyllachy) | 1 |
Godwin, Mary Jane (Clairmont) (née de Vial) | 1 |
Davison, Thomas | 1 |
Hayward, Richard | 1 |
Lytton, Edward George Earle Lytton Bulwer (first Baron Lytton) | 1 |
Wilkie, Sir David | 1 |
Bentley, Richard | 1 |
Constable, Archibald | 1 |
Lockhart, John Gibson | 1 |