Aug. 1. M. Write to H Boinville. Virgin Martyr, act 2. St James’s Park, w. C C.
2. Tu. Write to Constable. Virgin Martyr, fin. Kemp calls.
3. W. Love’s Pilgrimage, acts 1, 2, 3. Kemp & Hume call.
4. Th.Write to H Boinville. Much Ado about Nothing. Call on Davison: Toppings dine: Patrickson sups.
5. F.Love’s Labour Lost. M & Chamberlaine call.
6. Sa. Shakespear, Sonnets, 26. Toppings dine: Kemp calls.
Aug. 7. Su. Midsummer Night’s Dream, act 1: Love’s Pilgrimage, acts 4 & 5. C Mountcashel & L K call: L K at tea. Patrickson dines.
8. M. Midsummer Night, act 2. Patrickson dines: L K & L Kenney at tea. Call on Hume.
9. Tu.Write to Hogan. Call on Place: Flather calls: Hume dines; adv. E Topping.
10. W.Write to Jane, & E Topping. Kenney dines: call on Place. M calls.W elopes, 2 nightse. Patrickson dies.
11. Th.Seek Davison: call on Mayhew, Miss Smith & Hogann: meet M & Knapp, St J Park: Hume, & Hogan call. Write to Pemberton.
12. F. Write to Constable, Davison & Pemberton. Call on Hume.
13. Sa.Midsummer Night, fin. Call on Hume: Hume, Hayward & L Knapp call.
Aug. 14. Su.Write to H Boinville. Shakespear, Sonnets, 42: Merchant of Venice, act 1. Sup at Kenney’s, w. Lambs. Haswel calls.
15. M. S Sonnets, 60. Call on Hume: theatre, w. C C; Stoops to Conquer, & Hocus Pocuse.
16. Tu. Call on Hume & Place: Kenney dines; adv. L Kenney: Fanny arrivese. Call on Knowles & Pearce.
17. W. Shylock, act 2. Call on Pearce & Hume: Kenney dines: Dawe & M call.
18. Th.S Sonnets, 80. Shylock, act 3. Call on Place: theatre, Frederic the Great, & Harlequin Hoaxe.
19. F. S Sonnets, 90: Shylock, fin. Kenney calls: call on Lett, Macmillan & Hume: send to Rodd. Dermony calls: call on H Shelley: Lambs sup. Rutt calls.
20. Sa.Write to Lambert & W Miller. S Sonnets, 103. Call on Hayward & Place: Hogarth Exhibition; adv. D’Arblays, M Burney, Lambs, Taylors & Footee. Fawn, act 1: Christian Morals.
Aug. 21. Su.Letter to J Taylor, p. 4/2. Gentlemen of Verona: Selden, Table-Talk, çala. Dawe calls: Darmony dines. Wiat, Epistles.
22. M. S Sonnets, 126: As You Like It, act 1. Haswel calls: call on Place.
23. Tu. Call on Burney & M Jones, Greenwich: meet Hayward, Hume & Chamberlaine: L Kenney calls.
24. W. Write to Pemberton. Hogan sups.
25. Th.S Sonnets, 136. Call on L Knapp: meet Kenney{:} Hume calls & Hayward: sup at Lambs, w. M J, C C, White E I H & Dyer; adv. M Burney.
26. F. Lover’s Complaint. Hayward calls: call on Hume & Place: theatre, Love & Goute. Seek Russell & Watkn.
27. Sa.Write to Taylor; Norwich. S Sonnets, 146. Hayward, J & W Stone call, & Stevenson beggar: call on Rodd.
Aug. 28. Su.S Sonnets, 154, fin. Greenwich Chapel: call on Burney & Place; adv. Hayward & C C.
29. M. Agamemnon, act 3: Hayward & Mn call: M Jones dines: call on Place: Curran at tea.
30. Tu. Hayward & J Stone call: call on Curran: Curran dines.
31. W.S E calls: Curran at tea. As You Like It, act 2.
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