Mar. 1. Th.Pantheon, 3 pp. Mulready, & Macmillan call: call on Miles, £1//
2. F.2/5 Honest Whore. Call on Goddard: T T sups.
3. Sa.Write to Miller, on A B Drama. Witch.
Mar. 4. Su.White Devil, act 1. Mulready dines.
5. M.Malfy, acts 1 & 2. T T calls, from Northcote, £10: M Lamb calls.
6. Tu.Malfy, fin: Four P.’s. L Ht dines: T T & H Robinson sup. Gold calls.
7. W.Tu Quoque, act 1. Lamb calls: T T sups.
8. Th.Call on G M C; adv. E Reynolds.
9. F.Inforced Marriage. Dine at St Paul’s , w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Chenevix, Edgworth & Joyce: Lockhart calls: T T sups.
10. Sa.J White calls: call on Griffith, apothecary, & Rouffigny.
Mar. 11. Su.Hog, acts 1 & 2: American on France, p. 124.
12. M.Hog, fin. Tipper & M Lamb call: dine at J White’s, w. Faulder, D Stewart & Miles.
13. Tu.1/2 Merry Devil. R Taylor calls: call on Longdil: theatre, Maniace: Girle sups.
14. W.Write to Woodcock. Jo G, R & A Taylor call: T T sups.
15. Th.Write to Hazlit & Wrangham. Hollis calls: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J. Call on E Reynolds; adv. mrs Harris (Catalani): Phillips calls n.
16. F.Pantheon, Index, correct. Call on Longdill: Wilson of York calls.
17. Sa.Return from Pernassus. Call on G M Cna (adv. miss Wilcocke) & Reynolds; adv. mrs Holman: T T calls: H Robinson sups.
Mar. 18. Su.Eliz. Poots, çala. Walk w. T T (talk of morals); T T sups; adv. mrs & miss Harwd.
19. M.Pantheon, 2 pp (Peleus). Mrs Cecil Smth at tea.
20. Tu.Call on Cooper, O S S Hn & Pearsal: mrs & miss Boinville, & 2 Newtons at tea. Write to M Chronicle.
21. W.Pantheon, 3 pp (Ceyx). Requests, v. Darton, w. T Te: T T dines; adv. Flather: Wilcockes call n. G M Cooper dies .
22. Th.Call on Evans, Ant. Robinson & Cooper: meet Phillips & Surr: call on Wilson, Yorkn: Voycey calls: call on Miller & Seabrook.
23. F.Write on Smithfield, 4 pp: Wilson (York) & Macmillan calls: call on Ward, Solly & Vaughan & Surr: dine at Johnson’s, w. Davy, Mullet, Jas Moore, Maddocks, Knowles & Edgworth junr: S Wilcocke, & sister n & N G call. meet Jo G.
24. Sa.Advertisements. Woodard, p. 84. Call on W Jacob: Mulready calls, & Wilcockes, mr & mrs, & Lockhart.
Mar. 25. Su.Write to M Walsh. Funeral, G M C, w. S & G Wilcocke; adv. Jo & N G, & 4 childrene: call on E Reynolds & Domville (for C Ft).
26. M.Smitfield, p. 5. Horrocks & Seabrook & T T (marriage) call: Bannister’s Budget.
27. Tu.Pantheon, Index. Lambs, Listons, & H Robinson sup.
28. W.Theocritus, çala. J Johnson, H, W & P Hopwood dine; adv. mrs Topping, L Ht, V, miss Pashley & Jas Hopwood.
29. Th.Theocritus, Hylas; & Heracliscus, 34. Deck calls & Macmillan: T T at tea: theatre, How to Teaze, w. M Je.
30. F.Linnel, mrs Mulready, Voycey & Turner sup: call on Lamb: C Lawrence, Seabrook & Horwood call: Walcheren approved, 253 to 232e.
31. Sa.Smithfield, 10 pp. Macmillan calls: theatre, How to Teaze; adv. Surr ( Sullivan)e: H Robinson après souper. mrs Clennel dines. Grattan calls.
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