William Godwin's Diary

Letter to the Morning Post on Smithfield Market

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This work is mentioned in the diary a total of 3 times.


23  March  1810 31  March  1810 4  April  1810

Godwin, William Letter to the Morning Post on Smithfield Market (1810)

Godwin's entries on 23 March, 31 March and 4 April 1810 allow the identification of the previously unattributed letter which appears in the Morning Post on 6 April 1810, signed 'A LOVER OF TRANQUIL IMPROVEMENTS'. The letter argues for the removal of Smithfield market, a subject 'deeply interesting to the quiet and beauty of the metropolis' - and especially so for Godwin as the livestock market was located very near to the Juvenile Library on Skinner Street. Godwin argues that Parliament should help to remove it: 'If there is any thing in a great metropolis which renders the air pestilential, which tends to destroy the bodies or corrupt the morals of its inhabitants, a genuine legislature will .... apply itself to correct the mischief'. However, the House of Commons threw out the Bill for the Removal of Smithfield Market later that month (see Morning Chronicle , 13 April 1810).