Nov. 1. Su.Call on Wroughton: T T dines; adv. N G & G M C.
2. M.Walsh calls, & Fk: call on Nicholson, & Whitworth, draper.
3. Tu.Call on Whitworth, Bolton, Pickering, Kerslake & Gell, & Nicholson: Walsh calls. Theatre, 2/5 HeartsAchee.
4. W.Call on Sutton & Nicholson & Montaguen: (meet Pilcher, w. M J.)
5. Th.Call on Taylor, Philipsn & Alexander: meet Longdil: theatre, w. T T, Narbonnee.
6. F.Disappointment, Ellistone: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Hewlet, Mulready & Evans; adv. Kinnaird.
7. Sa.Call on Philips (adv. Taylor), Johnson & H Rogers: G M C dines: theatre, w. M J, Time[ ] meet Lamb.
Nov. 8. Su.Call on Mulready: Fk & W C Brown dine; adv. E F, junr.
9. M.Dine at Guildhall; adv. Sheridan, Philips, Sharp, Boddington, Knapp, Dignum, Tookes, Solly & Goodbehere. Deliquiume.
10. Tu.Elliston calls, reade: Lambs sup.
11. W.Dine at Lamb’s; adv. Hazlit & Philips: theatre, Winter’s Tale, acts 1, 2, 3e.
12. Th.Call on Dawe & Wroughton: T T sups; adv. Mulready.
13. F.Remove from Somers Towne. Mulready calls. Deliquiume.
14. Sa. Deliquia 3ae. Write to H Siddons & mrs Powel.
Nov. 15. Su.Deliquiae. T T sups; adv. Mulready. H Siddons calls n.
16. M.Carlisle, Buchan & mrs Topping call: call on M Lamb: T T sups.
17. Tu.Call on H Siddons, Alexandern & Hazlit: theatre, Two Faces; adv. Falkland, Philips & Perryse.
18. W.Call on mrs H Siddonsn & Johnson: Jo G calls, & Buchann.
19. Th.Call on Alexandern: T T sups: call on Hazlit.
20. F.M Lamb & Alexander call: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Knowles, Brown & Carl.
21. Sa.Lamb calls: call on Johnson, Topping & G M C: theatre, w. M J, 3/10 Hoyden, & Ella Rosenberge.
Nov. 22. Su.Call on Wroughton: T T dines.
23. M.Camilla, 1 page. Buckingham calls; adv. T T.
24. Tu.Lamb & Mulready call. Write to Elliston.
25. W.Call on Toppings & G M Cn: M Jones dines.
27. F.Call on Nicholson; adv. Walsh: theatre, Jane Shore; adv. O Briene.
28. Sa.Call on T T & Lamb: Alexander & Mulready call, & Hazlit.
Nov. 29. Su.Call on Wroughton: T T dines. Royal Family of Portugal for Brazile.
30. M.Alexander calls: call on Montagu, surveyor: Mulready sups: Walsh calls.
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