Mar. 1. Su.Accounts. Dine at King’s, w. Butlers, Mays, Supple, Italian Jew & mrs Hippisley; adv. Plunkets. Jns Flather calls. Gorboduc, act 2.
2. M.Gorboduc, fin. C Smith, L Smith & Newhse dine: theatre, w. do, M J & E C & 4, Curfew & Weathercocke.
3. Tu.T T & Hazlit call: Evening mrs Hippisley’s, w. King, L Lanesborough, Plunkets, Rossewens, May & Wolsey.
5. Th.Hieronymo, acts 1 & 2. Call on Hazlit, w. M J.
6. F.Letter to Curran. Plunkets call: call on S Nicholson, for M J: G M C dines.
7. Sa.Call on Lauderdale (adv. sir H Moncrieff), Jo Gn & Johnson. Write to Curran.
Mar. 8. Su.Accounts. Call on Graham, w. Wroughton: dine at Plunket’s, w. King, L Lk, Danvers’s, mrs Plunket & son, mrs Hippisley, Dolland, May & { }adv. Macarthy.
9. M.England, revise. Hazlit calls: E Topping sups.
10. Tu.Hieronymo, act 3. Call on Mrs Jo G, for M J: theatre, Town & Country; adv. Skeffingtone.
11. W.Call on Nicholson: Hazlit calls n.
12. Th.Hieronymo, fin: Campaspe, acts 1, 2.
13. F.G M C’s, w. M J; adv. G Wilcocke.
14. Sa.T T calls: Hazlit sups.
Mar. 15. Su.New Inn, act 3: L Knapp, C Smith, mrs Dorset & W L Whiten call: call on Keir, w. M Jn.
16. M.New Inn, fin: Search, pp. 83. J J G calls.
17. Tu.Every Man out of his Humour, acts 1 & 2. Call on Jo G: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle & capt. Hunter.
18. W.Call on R Taylor & H Rogers.
19. Th.Tobin & Hazlit call: call on Goodbehere, Philips (adv. Thelwal, Wilson & Raymond), R Taylor, & Nicholson, for M J; adv. Preston.
20. F.Letter to Johnson. Mrs Cec. Smith at tea: Hazlit calls: call on Joyce, for M J; adv. Jervis: Dawe sups.
Mar. 22. Su.Stock. W L White & Grattan call n, & Jo Gn.
23. M.England, 1/2 page. Dine at Johnson’s, Purser’s Cross, w. Richards.
25. W.Accounts. Portland Administratione
26. Th.England, revise. T T & Hazlit call: call on Toppings, w. M J.
28. Sa.Skinner Street, w. M J: call on Lamb, d[o]: T T & G M C dine; adv. Mulready & Dawe; invité G Wilcocke.
Mar. 29. Su.Call on Joyce, for M J; adv. Towers & Rennel.
30. M.Paradise Regd B. I. G Wilcocke calls: call on miss Smith, for M J; adv. mrs Dorset: Dawe sups.
31. Tu.Milton, çala. Sup at Topping’s, w. M J & T T: Mulready calls n.
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