William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for April 1807



Apr. 1. W.Call on Skinner Street, Johnson, Philips (adv. Lancaster, Munday, Cobb & R Taylor), Wolcot & Hippisley; adv. Macarthy; theatre, Wood Dæmone: Dawe sups.

2. Th.Write to Curran & H.lGodwin. Lambs dine.

3. F.M Lamb calls: call on Jo Gn, T T & Taylor

4. Sa.Write to Everina. Hazlit calls.

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Apr. 5. Su.Gismunda. Meet Pratt: Binham at tea: T T sups.

6. M.Call on Grattann: theatre, 1/2 Richard, & Mother Goosee. Doctrine of Divorce, p. 11.

7. Tu.Dawe, Mulready & M Lamb call: call on Jo G, w. T T: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Lindsay, A & C Aikin, & Gregory junr: Nicholson calls n.

8. W.Write to Perry & Philips, on Nicholson. Call on Sloper: Toppings au soir.

9. Th.Spenser, çala. R, A & Susan Taylor dine; adv. G Wilcocke. Dawe calls: call on Dawe. Opie dies.

10. F.Theatre, Day in Londone. Binham calls.

11. Sa.M calls, for Adkins: T T, from Macmillan: call on Wolcot, w. M J: theatre, Whistle for Ite.

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Apr. 12. M. Su. Write to Johnson & Philips. Tobin & Jo G call: N G at tea.

13. M.Call on Keir, w. M J: Toppings au soir.

14. Tu.Spenser, çala. T T dines: call on Taylor, w. do; adv. Susan: Keir, Mulready & T T sup.

15. W.Westminster Hall, w. Hayward: call on Northcoten & Nicholson.

16. Th.England, 2 pp. Call on Philipsn, M Lamb, Hazlit, & Taylor; adv. Susan / Anderson £20.

17. F.Paradise Regd, B. III, IV. Call on Philips; adv. Cooper, Murray & Constable.

18. Sa.Literary History, çala. Grattan calls.

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Apr. 19. Su.Call on W Wordsworthn: J J G calls. G M C dines; adv. Hazlit.

20. M.Serjeant’s Inn, for Nicholson: T T sups.

21. Tu.Erasmus, &c.

22. W.Literary History, çala. G M C sups.

23. Th.Letter to Holland, 2 pages. Call, w. M J, on Skinner Street (adv. T T), & Jo G: T T dines; adv. G M C.

24. F.Call on Lamb (w. M J), Nicholson (adv. Hayward), & Sloper; adv. Sutton.

25. Sa.Westminster-Hall, w. Hayward: call on Carlisle & Jacobn: meet Perry: theatre, w. M J, Iron Cheste.

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Apr. 26. Su.

27. M.Caleb Williams, Vol. I. T T, G M C & Clara Smith dine; adv. M Dawe, Toppings & E Hill. Write to Lofft.

28. Tu.Call on Jacob, &, for M J, on Nicholson: T T sups.

29. W.Letter from Curran: write to Johnson. Hazlit at tea: Coleridge, Wordsworth & T T sup. Dissolutione

30. Th.P S to Johnson, Purser’s Cross. Theatre, 1/2 Mcbethe: Fenwick calls.