June 1. Su.G M C dines; adv. N G.
2. M. Write to M J. A St Ives, Vol. II. T T& Hazlit call: call on Rowann: sup at Carlisle’s. Engd Parvo, 2 1/2 pp. Task, B. I. Engd Parvo published.
3. Tu.Engd Parvo, 2 pp. Call on R Taylor: sup at Lamb’s. Write to L Wt.
4. W. Virgil, B. IV, vs. 295. Call on Langhorn & J Johnson: Grattan calls: Mulreadys, Dawes & T T dine; invité R Taylor.
5. Th.Write to M J. Shelton’s D Quixote, p. 46. Call on Langhorn & Dawe: Hazlit calls.
6. F. Pantheon, revise. Virgil, vs. 583: Shelton, p. 68. Write to C Smith. Dawe sups. G M C dines.
7. Sa.Pantheon, revise. Write to M J. Virgil, vs. 705; B. V, vs. 115: Shelton, p. 105. Call on Wolcot: Wroughton calls n. Sketch of Religion.
June 8. Su.Wroughton calls: N G at tea: Lambs, Hazlit & miss Martin sup.
9. M.Pantheon, revise. Write to M J. Virgil, vs. 285: Shelton, p. 130. Mulready calls: sup at Nicholson’s.
10. Tu. Pantheon, revise. Shelton, p. 151. Call on R Taylor, Lamb & Rowann: Macarthy calls ne. meet K Courtenay. Slave-trade condemnede
11. W.Pantheon, revise. Write to M J. Hazlit calls: call on Lamb: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Conrad & mrs Johnson. Virgil, vs. 484.
12. Th. Pantheon, revise. Shelton, p. 164. Dine at Wolcot’s, w. Paddon & Melville acquittede.
13. F.Dine at H Tooke’s, w. M J: tea, do, Perry’s, w. Paterson’s: sleep Wimbledon.[Not in London]
14. Sa.Wimbledon Park: Burdet calls: H Tooke dines at Ward’s: Adams dines & sups.[Not in London]
June 15. Su.Breakfast at Perry’s, w. M J, mrs Anderson & miss Bentley; dinner Gillies; adv. Wilson: sleep.
16. M.Town, w. mrs Perry, mrs Anderson & M J: G M C dines.
17. Tu.Newspapers. Rowans call.
18. W.Call on Lamb (adv. Martins), & G M C, w. M J; adv. L Knapp & M A Marshal: Keir & Mulready call.
19. Th.Virgil, vs. 700. Call on Flint; &, w. M J, on mrs Mulready & Carlisle: meet L K & M A M: sup at Rowans, w. Beresfords & M J.
20. F.Pantheon, çala. Shelton, p. 187. Fox’s Last Appearance in Parliamente.
21. Sa.Pantheon, 3 pp. Write to Everina. Virgil, vs. 871: Shelton, p. 209. Call on Flint & Davison.
June 22. Su.Accounts. Shelton, p. 217. Hazlit calls: N G at tea.
23. M. Shelton, p. 278. Call on Carlisle: G M C sups.
24. Tu.Virgil, vs. 235 of B. VI: Shelton, p. 280. Call on Grattanna, Rogersn & Northcotena.
25. W.Virgil, vs. 475: Shelton, p. 295. Call on M Lamb & Wolcotn.
26. Th.Virgil, vs. 702: Shelton, p. 317. Call on mrs Mulready, w. M J: Keir calls n: meet Walsh.
27. F. Virgil, vs. 901: Shelton, p. 325. Mulready calls: call on Macarthyn & La. Trelawney: miss Marner (w. F G) at tea.
28. Sa. Virgil, çala: Milton, prose, do. Trelawneys call.
June 29. Su.Letter to towns: accounts.
30. M.Pantheon, 2 pp. Shelton, p. 361. W C Brown calls: Rowan calls, w. two sons, ppc.
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