William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for April 1802



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31. Apr. 1. Th.M W Montague's Letters, 260, fin. Congé of Cooper & Marguerite.

Apr. 2. F.Court of Love, 710. Call, w. Fenwick, at Burder's, Brook Street.

3. Sa.Court of Love, 1443, fin. Sealy & Smith call: call on C Smith, Downman, L Knapp & C Smith.

Apr. 4. Su.Chaucer, p. 51/2-54. Court of Love, 504. Meet Plowdens & Reynolds: dine at King's, w. Plowden, Wolcot, Lathorpe, Prescot, & mrs St George; adv. mrs Campbel & mrs Penny Kenyon dies

5. M.Chaucer, p. 58/2. Court of Love, 1022. Call on Johnson: M & miss Forsyth dine: theatre, Country Girl, & Brazen Maske. meet Este

6. Tu.Chaucer, p. 61/2. Court of Love, 1443, fin. Miss Plowdens call: meet Ritson: call on Hilln & Southeyn.

7. W.Chaucer, p. 63/2 & 1/2 page. Smith & M dine: call, w. Smith, on Nicholson & Northcote: Oratorio, w. M J, Smith, M & S Fell, D L, Marae.

8. Th.Petrarque, çala. Write to Murphy & Hoare. Call on Philips, & w. him on Nichols: call on Polidori. meet Tho Campbel & Sharp eng.

9. F.Chaucer, 2 pages. Crescimbeni, çala. Call on Felln & Fenwick; adv. Lambs.

10. Sa.Petrarque, Tom. I; II, p. 143. Annis calls.

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Apr. 11. Su.Chaucer, 3 pages. Petrarque, p. 220. Cole calls: call on Burdetn: sup at Reynolds's, w. C Kemble: Fells sup n.

12. M.Chaucer, p. 66/2. Petrarque, p. 324. Call on Philips (adv. Prevôt), Damianin & Polidorin: Smith calls n: call on T C Rickman; adv. Price & Moore.

13. Tu.Chaucer, p. 68/2. Petrarque, p. 495. Damiani calls.

14. W.Troilus, B. I. Petrarque, Tom. III, p. 202. Meet Damiani: dine at Johnson's, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Hollis & Edgworth.

15. Th.Troilus, B. II, 931. Call, w. Polidori, on Deocheda: sup at Reynolds's, w. M J & C Moore.

16. F.Chaucer, p. 69. Troilus, B. 1757. Tobin calls: M dines: sup at Fell's, w. M J, Smith & M.

17. Sa.Troilus, B. III, 940: 1/2 Ethwald, I. Hollis, Southey & Brown call: meet Hill, at M's: call on Ritson.

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Apr. 18. Su.Chaucer, 1/2 page. Troilus, 1826: Petrarque, p. 302. Fenwick & Wood call: call, // w. M J, on Hoaren, Perrysn & mrs Plowden: Anderson at tea. meet B Montague Darwin dies.

19. M.Write to Geo. King. Petrarque, p. 625. J G dines: call on Polidorin & mrs Christie.

20. Tu.Write to Ht & Geo. King. Chaucer, p. 72. Petrarque, p.750. Molini calls. Earl of Guildford dies

21. W.Write to C Smith. Petrarque, p. 6 811, fin. Call on Polidorin, Wilbraham, Nicholsonn, Philips, Taylor, Foulkesn & M: Day dines: meet Joyce.

22. Th.Chaucer, p. 74. A Mills, Smith, Tho Campbel & Rickmans call: theatre, Fashionable Friends, w. M J; adv. Philips's & Surrse.

23. F.Chaucer, p. 76/2, & 1/2 page. Call at Nicholson's, w. M J.

24. Sa.Troilus, B. IV, 742: Philostrato, p. 22. Dyer & Shepherd call: theatre, Man of ye Worlde.

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Apr. 25. Su.Jewish History, revise. Troilus, 1078. Smith & H G call.

26. M.Troilus, 1701: filostrato, P. VI, 160. Smith & M dine: call, w. M J, on Lambn.

27. Tu.Troilus, B. V. Call on Rickman.

28. W.Chaucer, p. 80. Call, w. M J, on Ritson: sup at Lamb's, w. M J & Fells; adv. Stoddart.

29. Th.Warton & Tyrwhit, çala. Meet A Barbld: Proclamation of Peace, &, w. M J & children, illuminationse.

30. F.Call on Davyn: meet Webb: Ritson, Campbel & Wood dine.