May. 1. Sa. Call on Robinson.
May 2. Su. Dine at Holcroft's, with Nicholson, Davis & miss G.
5. W. Message on Nootka Sounde.
6. Th.Buy Baretti & Ga Graglia e.
7. F. Call on B. Hollis. Tea miss Williams's, with Robertson, Lewis, Aboyne, Ellison, mes. Rn, Douglas, Dedingston, & dr Moore
May 9. Su. Tea Paradise's with B. Hollis, Rutledge, Staunton, Garthshore, Dornford, Gillies & Ede; Raper.
11. Tu. Dine at Robinson's, with L White & Holcroft. sup at Nicholson's. Write to Watson & the abp.
May 16. Su. Dine at Holcrofts
18. Tu. Dine at Hollis's, with Stovin, Planta & Thorkelin.
19. W. Mother goes out of town.
21. F. Hear from Watson, send his letter to the abp.
May 23. Su.Dine at Holcroft's: tea Paradise's, with Hawke, Staunton, F. North, B. Hollis, S. L., Garthshore, Raper, Adair, Forster & Dornfd.{,} Nollekens, Reveley
27. Th. Tea miss Williams's, with Holcroft, & mes Mendez & Marriot.
May 30. Su. Dine at Holcroft's.
31. M. Curioni, 1st lessone. Hanover Squaree.
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