Jan. 1. 1790. F. 25 §s written in 89
2. Sa. Dine at Holcroft, with Ja. Aikin, Otley: hear Bishope.
6. W. Separation of H. & sa femmee.
8. Fr. Dine at Hollis's, with Bernard, Kippis, dr Russel, B. & J. Hollis.
Jan. 10. Su.Dine at Holcroft's. §. 37.
Jan. 17. Su. Dine at Mrs Webb's, with W., & Mr & Mrs Jones
18. M. Call on Robinson & Hamilton
19. Tu. Dine at Hollis's, with Planta, Blackburne, Towers & J Hollis.
20. W. Dr Tho. Campbel calls.
Jan. 24. Su. Dine at Holcroft's with miss G. & Marshal.
27. W. Dr Campbel & B. Hollis call. Dine at B. H.'s with Kent & Jennings.
Jan. 31. Su. Dine at Holcroft's: Dunstan .
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