7. W. Finish the foreign history.
13. Tu. Dine at Hollis's, with Stovin, Lindsey & J H. Call on Mrs Webb & B. Hollis. See Paradise.
14. W. French Revolutione: Stanhope; Sheridan, Tooke, O'Brien, B. Hollis, Geddes, Lindsey, Price, Paradise: sup with Fawcet. “We are particularly fortunate in having you among us; it is having the best cause countenanced by the man, by whom we most wished to see it supported.”
15. Th. Send away 12 pages: Holcroft calls.
24. Sa.Convention between England and Spaine.
27. Tu.Dine at Hollis's, with Disney, Planta, Towers & J. Hollis. Peace between Hungary & Prussiae.Netherlands sacrificed by The alliese.
29. Th. Finish N. A. R. 60 pages, early this morning. Holcroft sups.
30. F. Finish correcting the copy: two o'clock.
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