Aug. 1. Tu. [Hygeia.] Malthus, revise. Booth at tea.
2. W.Malthus, revise. Write to Rosser. Call on Boyle: H P sups: call on T Rodd.
3. Th.Malthus, revise. C B Brown, çala. Call on Longman. x
4. F.Malthus, Book II, Chap. vii, 2 pp.
5. Sa.Malthus, revise. C B Brown, çala. Call on Boyle{.}
Aug. 6. Su.Malthus, revise. C B Brown, çala. Turners dine. Invent Peroration. Duchess of York dies.
7. M.Malthus; invent Peroration. Tea Gisborne’s.
8. Tu.Indisposede. Call on Booth: meet W Tooke & Broughton.
9. W.Malthus, 2 pp. Call on Pouncy, & Walker, Finsbury Square.
10. Th.Malthus, 3 pp. Call on Richardson & Corfield; &, w. M J, on Booth; adv. C B.
12. Sa.Preface, p. 3, 4, fin. Macgowan calls: call on Boyle & Sturmy: Rodd’s.
Aug. 13. Su.Preface, 1 page; revise. Call on Mulready, w. W: dine at Hume’s, w. C Hume, M Dawe & W.
14. M. Postscript, 2 pp; revise. Rodogune.
15. Tu.Malthus, revise. Macgowan & Sidney Hall call. call on Tho GregoryE & P Picher at tea na.
16. W.Malthus, revise. Macgowan & Sidney Hall call: call on Tho. Gregory & Booth: meet Boaden.
17. Th.Malthus, revise. Boyle (perdita) & Tho. Gregory call: seek I’Anson. Trial of the Queen commencese.
18. F.Malthus, revise. Call on I’Anson: Booth sups; last copy.
19. Sa.Malthus, revise. Call on Miller & Macgowan
Aug. 20. Su.Malthus, revise. Wit without Money, acts 1 & 2. Call on Booth.
21. M.Malthus, revise. Sup at Gisborne’s.
22. Tu.Malthus, revise: W Curran calls.
23. W.Malthus, revise. Theatre (Lyceum), Vampiree.
24. Th.Malthus, revise. Call on Booth: W Curran dines; adv. Booth; invitée Isa. Booth. Revolution of Portugale.
25. F.Malthus, revise. Letter from P B S. Call on M Gisbornen. Wit without Money, act 3, 4, 5. Sicke.
26. Sa.Malthus, revise. Write to M Gisborne. Gisborne’s, au soir.
Aug. 27. Su.Malthus, revise. Scornful Lady, acts 1 & 2. Meet Perry & Tegart.
28. M.Malthus, 1 page. Theobald & Monro signe: call on Rees (Longman’s): theatre, Othello, 3 acts (B & K); adv. Wilkiee. Answer to Malthus sent to America.
29. Tu.Malthus, 1 1/2 pp. Write to P B S. Mrs Hamilton dines.
30. W.Malthus, 1/2 page. Scornful Lady, fin: H Smith, Macgowan & W Curran call: Booth at tea.
31. Th.Malthus, revise. T Rodd calls: call on T Rodd.
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