June 1. Th.Write to Constable. Spenser, p. 136. T T sups: meet Hill. Champ de Maie.
2. F.Montemayor, p. 46. Verax, p. 5/2.
3. Sa.Verax, p. 7. J, R & A Taylor sup.
June 4. Su. WVerax, p. 11. Chisciotte, p. 12. T T calls n.
5. M.Verax, p. 13/2. Chisciotte, p. 18. Dine at Mackintosh’s, w. W Taylor; adv. a ritson, & miss Waddington. R Taylor calls, on Verax. Verax, p. 14/2.
6. Tu.Verax, p. 14, fin. Chisciotte, p. 20. British Institution (Rubens & Rembrandt), w. M J & Fe.
7. W.Verax, 1/2 page; revise. Chisciotte, p. 23. J Nicholson & Taylor (Norwich)n call.
8. Th.Call on Baldwin, bookseller, & mrs Nicholson; adv. capt. Mackintosh: M Burney sups.
9. F.Verax, p. 17, fin. L Knapp & M Lamb call: call on A Taylor; adv. pere.
10. Sa.Call on Mackintosh & Felton: W Taylor calls na: meet Hume.
June 11. Su.Biron, Conspiracy. Dine at Kenney’s, w. Chalmers & Mercier. & M J.
12. M.A Taylor & M call: H Robinson sups.
13. Tu.Verax, 1/2 page. Write to J Taylor & Hume: J Taylor calls.
14. W.Write to Mackintosh, w. 20 Verax. Biron, Tragedie, acts 1-4.
15. Th.Biron, fin. Call on Hayward: Kenney dines.
16. F.Write to Hogan, per C C. Bussy d’Ambois, acts 1, 2, 3. Owen at tea.
17. Sa.Drayton, Nimphidia, & Quest of Cynthia.
June. 18. Su.Bussy d’Ambois, fin: Lamb, &c, cala: Bardouc, Tom. I. Battle of Waterlooe.
19. M.Memorial for Nicholsone. Bardouc, Tom. II. J Nicholson & Jas Smith call: 3/5 Grecian Daughtere.
20. Tu.Owen breakfasts: Perry calls: call on Longman & Hayward. Letter from Owen.
21. W.Honest Whore, acts 1 & 2. Owen & J Taylor call.
22. Th.PAdvertisement to Verax, 1 1/2 pp. Honest Whore, fin. J & R Taylor & H Robinson sup. Owen calls. Abdication of Bonee.Verax published.
23. F.Chabot. Letter from Owen. Meet Aldis.
24. Sa.Write to J Taylor & Constable. Honest Whore, Part II, acts 1, 2, 3. Batty calls.
June 25. Su.Shakespear & Nash, çala. Matthewses at tea.
26. M.Write to Perry. W Curran calls.
27. Tu.Write to E W & J P Curran. Phillips & J Taylor call: meet Alexander.
28. W.Thealma, p. 49: Pity She’s a Whore, acts 1, 2, 3.
29. Th.Write to Hume twice. Thealma, p. 79. Kenney at tea.
30. F.Pity She’s a Whore, fin. Hume calls: call on Blacket: seek Silver & Brookes.
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