William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for September 1815



Sep. 1. F.Machiavel, Prince, p. 60, & Defence. Call on Curran, talk of my affairs.

2. Sa.Write to Taylor (Norwich) & Dibdin. Machiavel, p. 80, Defence, p. 35, fin. Theatre, w. M J; 1/2 Duenna, & Magpie; adv. Placee: Kennies call n.

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Au Sep. 3. Su.Write to Curran. Curran, Lubey & Kennies sup.

4. M.Child of Nature, p. 171. Perry calls n. Answer fr. Dibdine.

5. Tu.W//rite to Taylor, Norwich. Child of N, p. 242. Curran at tea.

6. W.Call on Curtis: Curran dines.

7. Th.Call on Mackintosh: Perry calls n.

8. F.Call on Curran: meet Tegart: S E & Bishop dine.

9. Sa.Call on Perryn & Jo G: theatre, D L & Haymt , Town & Country, acts 2, 3, 4e.

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Sep. 10. Su.1/2 Man of Mode. Call on Perry: Curran dines.

11. M.Man of Mode, fin: Love in a Tub, acts 1, 2. Macmillan calls.

12. Tu.Love in a Tub, fin. Perry calls n.

13. W.1/2 Courtly Nice. Call on Perry & Fred. Smithn: Lovewell dines: F Smith calls.

14. Th.Life of Fenelon, çala. Write to Wedgwood. Call on Poole: seek Blacket & Lambert: dine at Poole’s, w. Terry.

15. F.Call on Blacket, Miller, Catlin & Richards: seek Thomson, Brookes, Davison, Silver & Faulder: call on Northcote & Lamb: sup at L Kenny’s, w. Lamb, M J & F.

16. Sa.Write to Constable. Life of Fenelon, çala. Call on Wishart: seek Lambert, Brookes, Silver & Faulder.

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Sep. 17. Su.Courtly Nice, fin: Fenelon, çala. Call on Currann; adv. Lidwill.

18. M.Write to Hamilton. Seek Faulder: call on Thompson, W M: Curran dines: theatre, C G, Magpie, w. Currane.

19. Tu.Sidney, A, Letters, pp. 176. Talk w. Lovewell. on M J.

20. W.Call on Phillips, & Currann: seek Mackintosh: Northcote sups: Poole calls.

21. Th.Lovewell from Harper. Write to Phillips. Call on R Sharpn. Bruisee. Call on Lamb, w. M J; adv. Hume. Fenwick calls.

22. F.Waverley, p. 200. M calls: Lamb sups.

23. Sa.Lovewell from Harper. Waverley, p. 264: Newcastle, p. 50. Curran calls.

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Sep. 24. Su.Waverley, p. 358; Vol. II, p. 248.

25. M.Waverley, p. 370; Vol. III, p. 50. Call on Davison: M calls: Lamb sups.

26. Tu.Write to Davison. Waverley, p. 370, fin. Call on R Sharp.

27. W.Write to Macmillan. Call on W Wilson.

28. Th.Sha. Sonnets, 82.

29. F.Walton, Life of Wotton. Call on Davison: seek Lamb, Jo G & Hamilton: Curran calls.

30. Sa.Sha. Sonnets, 103. Write to Hamilton. Call on Lamb, Jo G, Hilln, Davison, Rodd & W Wilson.

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