Feb. 1. W.Harrington, c. 45. Call on Whitaker & Lackington: Benbow calls.
2. Th.Harrington, c. 46: Abramulé, pp. 132. Call on O Rees: Museum, Dennise.
3. F.Philipses, revise. Wilson on Usury, f. 42.
4. Sa.Philipses, revise. Usury, f. 55. Call on O Rees; adv. Longman (sign): Benbow, & Graham of Glasgow call.
Feb. 5. Su.Philipses, revise. Ludlow, çala. Call on on Aldis; adv. John: Graham at tea.
6. M.Philipses, revise. Bombie, acts 1 & 2. Call on Lamb; adv. M Burney: Lamb au soir.
7. Tu.Philipses, revise. Bombie, acts 3 & 4. Silver calls: call on Meyer.
8. W.Philipses, 1 page. Antonio & Mellida, acts 1, 2. Seek R Sharp: Red Cross Librarye.
9. Th.Philipses, revise. Antonio, fin. Hamilton calls: call on W Wilson: Meyer callsn.
10. F.Philipses, revise. Write to Burney. Jo G, Hardwick & Hamilton call: Red Cross Librarye: call on O Rees, Meyer, & Poolen.
Feb. 12. Su.Philipses, 3 pp. Antonio & Mellida, Pt II, acts 1, 2, 3. Graham at tea.
13. M.Antonio & Mellida, fin. Call on Sutherland (w. Meyer) & Hume: dine at S E’s, w. M J: call on Wolcot.
14. Tu.1/2 Old Fortunatus: Todd, Life of Milton. Call on R Sharp & C Mackintosh, on Lamb.
15. W.Old Fortunatus, fin. M dines: H R au soir.
16. Th.Benbow calls: call on H R.
18. Sa.Philipses, p. 8/2. M & L
Knapp call.
[fol. 4r]
Feb. 19. Su.Philipses, 9/2. Wonder of a Kingdom: Poole, Parnassus, çala.
20. M.Philipses, 2 pp; revise. Museum, Cotgravee: Walthausens at tea.
21. Tu.Hamilton & Benbow call: Westminster Halle; Hodgson, £2: call on Benbow.
22. W.Hume & M call: Museum, Bysshee: S E dines: Lamb calls, & Hamilton. What You Will, acts 1 & 2.
23. Th.Westminster Halle: Lucien B’s Picturese: theatre, Town & Country; adv. Wakee. F & C C absent at nighte.
25. Sa.Philipses, revise. Write to Taylor, Norwich. Hamilton callsn: call on Lambs, w. M J; adv. Jno Lamb & M Burney. call on R & A Taylorn.
Feb. 26. Su.Montaigne, p. 305 to 347.
27. M.Philipses, 2 pp. What You Will, fin. M calls: theatre, Sleep-walkere.
28. Tu.Philipses, 2 pp. Faithful Shepherdess, act 1: Fawn, act 1. Call on Meyer: Lambs & White sup. Mrs & miss Hume call. adv. H R.
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