William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for October 1812



Oct. 1. Th. Call on Rodd.

2. F. Donne, 1st Anniversary. C M, E Toppingn & Hogan & filsn call: call on Longdil, Place, Hume and Knowles.

3. Sa. Second Anniversary. Dine at Hamond’s, w. F Pollock & Lyal: sup at Kenny’s, w. Lambs, M & L Knapp.

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Oct. 4. Su. Shelleys arrivee: Shelleys, E Hitchener & Hamond dine.

5. M. Call on Miller & E Hitchener: Shelley calls; return w. him: sup at Lamb’s, w. M Burney & F. M dines.

6. Tu. Olive & Macmillan call: walk w. Shelley; dine: theatre, Æthiope. (matter & spirit; atheism)

7. W.Sir W Drummond, çala. Rapin on Poesie, p. 26. Call on Ward, D L T: M calls: Shelleys dine. C M calls; adv. Shelley. (utility & truth; party)

8. Th. Write to Constable & Smirke. Call on Keene, Dublinn: Williams, Tremadoc, calls.

9. F.P & H Shelley dine. (clergy; church govt; germanism.) Hogan calls na.

10. Sa.Rapin, p. 75. Call on Lambert, Sutton & D L T: Flather & Hogan call: E Morel sleeps: J C at home 2 nightse.

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Oct. 11. Su.Letter to Whitebread. Antonio. E Hitchener & E Westbrook dine; invités Shelleys: call on Place & Shelley. C M calls. (Spain.)

12. M.Thucydides, pLib. VI, p. 30. Call on Hume, Knowles & Place: Flather calls, ppc: dine at Shelley’s, w. F & J: Lambs & M Burney sup. Write to Patrickson.

13. Tu. Greece, çala. Gondibert, C. IV. C M, & Keene of Dublin call: call on Rodd. (morale)

14. W. Greece, çala. Gondibert, C. V. Shelleys & E Hitchener dine; adv. Hogan (stewardship & Rosa M); read Antonio.

15. Th.Greece, p. 89, 90. Write to Whitbread & C C. E Harwood & Hogan at tea: call on Waldron.

16. F. Greece, çala. H Corbould, C M & Imray call: call on Shelley; adv. Madocks, Wheatley & Williams: theatre, Schniederkins; adv. Boadene.

17. Sa. Greece, p. 92. Call on Longdil, Suttonn & Rodd .

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Oct. 18. Su.Greece, p. 95/2. C M calls: Shelleys dine; adv. A Curran.

19. M. Greece, 1 1/2 pp. Write to Whitbread. Call on Sutton & M Lamb.

20. Th. Greece, p. 98/2. Write to Taylor, Norwich. Call on Hume.

21. W. Greece, çala. 2 Shelleys, C M & Eves call.

22. Th. Greece, p. 98. 5 Humes, Hogan & Jas Smith & Darmony dine. Russians reenter Moscowe.

23. F. M calls, from R Sharp: call on Hume: 2 Shelleys dine; adv. E Hitchener; invitée C M.

24. Sa. Letter to Constable. Imray calls: walk, with Shelley (Tilson): theatre, Lord of Manor; adv. J Taylor, L Goldsmith ( &Seymour)e. Falle.

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Oct. 25. Su. Greece, 2 1/2 pp. Call on Place: dine at J Stewart’s, w. Turner, Turnbull, Wilmot & J Taylor. call on C M: H Robinson sups.

26. M. H Corbould, Springsguthn & Imrayna call: sup at Lamb’s.

27. Tu.R Taylor & L K call: L K dines: sup at Lamb’s, w. M J.

28. W. Sir Thos Browne, Letter, pp. 32: Jonathas. Moore (Missenden) & Williams (Tremadoc) call: call on Hurst & Orme, Lambert & R Taylor. Write to Fra. Tayler.

29. Th. Call on Smirke & Place: C M & E Topping call n: M dines: call on Waldron .

30. F. Write to Constable, C C & Fra. Tayler: Call on Curtis & Longdil : AW Tayler, Merivale & Hamd call: dine at Kenny’s, w. M J; adv. M.

31. Sa. Queen Mab, pp. 44. Call on Longdil: Place calls, from Smirke: Hogan sups. meet Kembles.