William Godwin's Diary


Hover over a bar to see number of appearances/year.
Click on a bar to jump to that year.

This person is mentioned in the diary a total of 76 times, but was not at home (N) 12 times, and was a venue (V) 36 times.

You may also examine their meals and meetings in more detail.


7  May  1795 12  May  1795 (V) 21  May  1795 3  June  1795 11  June  1795 (V) 16  July  1795 (NV) 13  November  1795


15  February  1796 (V) 22  April  1796 (V)


10  August  1797 (V)


13  May  1798 (V) 26  October  1798 (V) 10  December  1798


5  August  1799


19  April  1800 (NV) 17  May  1800


17  May  1802 5  October  1802 9  November  1802 (V)


20  July  1804


20  September  1805


22  October  1807 7  December  1807 (NV) 25  December  1807 26  December  1807 (V)


1  January  1808 (NV) 3  February  1808 7  February  1808 28  March  1808 3  September  1808 (V) 2  November  1808 (V) 19  December  1808 (NV) 20  December  1808 (V)


20  March  1809 (V) 18  April  1809 (V) 25  April  1809 (NV) 26  April  1809 (NV) 29  April  1809 (NV) 4  May  1809 6  May  1809 (NV) 22  November  1809 6  December  1809 18  December  1809 (V)


9  June  1810 (V) 12  June  1810 (V) 8  August  1810 (V) 13  December  1810 24  December  1810 (V)


23  January  1811 25  March  1811 (V) 2  May  1811 7  May  1811 (V) 4  October  1811 (NV) 5  October  1811 7  October  1811


2  March  1812 19  May  1812 23  May  1812 (V) 12  August  1812 27  August  1812 8  October  1812 29  October  1812 (V) 31  October  1812 3  November  1812 19  November  1812 (NV) 23  November  1812 (V) 29  November  1812 10  December  1812 10  December  1812 14  December  1812 15  December  1812 17  December  1812


31  December  1814


9  December  1816


23  November  1819 (N) 27  November  1819 (V)

  • Name: Smirke,
  • Gender: Male
  • Birth Date:
  • Death Date:

DNB has several possible identifications:

Smirke appears about 80 times between 1795 and 1815, generally with artists or at art and exhibition related events. However, in the early mentions (1775), Smirke appears with Batty, Foulkes, and Firth, Tooke, and A A. By 1797 the Smirke circle seems to include Northcote and Nicholson, and Godwin recorded a group in 1798 including Fordyce, Smirke, Nicholson, Dyson and Jas Wt dine; adv. H G and M J (invités, Fuseli, Northcote, Este, Carlisle, Pinkerton and C Smith).

Joseph Farington recorded the following on Sunday, 16th December 1798:
'Smirke dined with Godwin on Monday last. Fuseli was invited, as was Northcote, but did not go. Fuseli does not think Godwin at all an extra-ordinary man. Horne Tooke says that in Godwin's Political Justice there is not a passage that has common sense in it.'
Unfortunately, we cannnot discern whether this was a first meeting or not.

According to the Farington Diary, the Smirkes are a large family of artists including the well-known painter Robert Smirke (1752-1845), his father Richard 'Dick' Smirke, Robert's daughter, the landscape painter Mary (fl. 1809-1818), Robert's son Edward (1795 - 1875) lawyer and antiquary, Robert's eldest son Richard (1778-1815), also an exhibiting RA artist, Sir Robert Smirke (1781-1867), architect and second son of Robert Smirke the elder, Sydney Smirke (1798-1877) youngest brother and architect, and Thomas Smirke (another brother).

Farington also reveals that the Thursday dining group in 1811 included Lawrence, Fuseli, and both Smirke's, which indicates at least that father and sons were traveling within the same social circle (although Godwin doesn't seem to have attended any of these dinners). It would be difficult to separate out which family member Godwin was meeting.

We can guess that Godwin's R Smirke junr. is one of the brothers (either Robert jr. or Richard).

He appears in the 1796 lists under 1795, which matches his first appearance in the diary.

  • DNB.
  • The diary of Joseph Farington, ed. by Kenneth Garlick, Angus Macintyre, Kathryn Cave and Evelyn Newby, 17 vols (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1978–98), vol 3, p. 1113.

This table lists the people this person is most frequently noted with in the diary.

Name Number of Meetings
Batty, Robert 6
Nicholson, William 3
Este, Reverend Charles 3
Northcote, James 3
Opie, John 2
Lawrence, Sir Thomas 2
Alderson, Amelia (Opie) 2
Tooke, William 2
Foulkes, John 2
Dyson, George 2
Turner, Joseph Mallord William 1
Kentish, John 1
West, Benjamin 1
Nollekens, Joseph 1
Flaxman, John 1
Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Füssli) 1
Marshall, James 1
Hazlitt, William 1
de Talleyrand-Périgord, Archambeau 1
Clementi, Muzio 1
Bourgeois, Peter Francis 1
Shee, Sir Martin Archer 1
Westall, Richard 1
Ellis, Sir Henry 1
Planta, Joseph 1
Inchbald, Elizabeth 1
Gawler, Captain John Bellenden (Ker) 1
Horne Tooke, John 1
Johnson, Joseph 1
Bannister, John 1
Gilpin, William 1
Hoare, Prince 1
Reynolds, Samuel William 1
Smith, John 1
Banks, Thomas 1
Fordyce, Dr George 1
Hanger, George (Baron Coleraine) 1
Carey, Henry Thomas (eighth Viscount Falkland) 1
King, John (Jacob Rey) 1
Walker, Thomas 1
Williams, Edward (Iolo Morganwg) 1
Kemble, John Philip 1
O'Connor, Arthur (Conner) (Condorcet-O'Connor) 1
Fitzpatrick, Richard 1
Hoppner, John 1
Reynolds, Frederick 1
Higgins, Godfrey 1
Thelwall, John 1
Holcroft, Thomas 1
Wollstonecraft, James 1
Aikin, John 1
Maitland, James (eighth earl of Lauderdale) 1
MacDonnell, D. E. 1
Montagu, Basil 1
Henderson, Sir John 1
Staunton, Sir George 1
Wray, Sir Cecil 1
Quick, John 1
Lewis, 1
Kinnaird, Lord George 1
Dealtry, Peregrine (Perry) 1
Siddons, Sarah (née Kemble) 1
Wordsworth, William 1
Place, Francis 1