William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for September 1812



Sep. 1. Tu. Write to AW Tayler & Hamond. Gondibt, C. II: Marvel, çala.

2. W. Gondibert, C. III: //Comines, p. 104. Mercier calls: call on Aldises.

3. Th. Gondibert, C. IV, V: Comines, p. 175. Hogan calls: call on Lamb: sup at Topping’s, w.M J.

4. F. Child Harold, C. I: Montaigne, çala. Fair, w. M J & W: S E calls, ppc.

5. Sa. Gondibert, C. VI: More’s Richard III, pp. 37. Hogan sups.

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Sep. 6. Su. Gondibert, B. II, C. I: Childe Harolde, C. II: E Pembroke (Eliz), çala. Meet J Stewart & Perry.

7. M. Write to Shelley, Hamond, miss Tayler, Gutch & Rough. Gondibert, C. II. Call on Place: Hogan calls from Bagley. Battle of theMoscwae.

8. Tu. Write to Patrickson & W Miller. Gondibert, C. III. Execution e. Call on Place, Longdil, A Robinson (adv. H Robinson) & N G (adv. H & Phoebe). M calls: call on Margaret Jones: meet Randolph, news of B[r?]im.

9. W. Marshal, Minnet, Wilson, Longdil, Jo G & Oney call: twice to Bagley’s banker : coach, Gerard’s Hall: sup at Slough. Write to Place.[Not in London]

10. Th. Breakfast at Thatcham: lunch, Beckhampton: cyder, Bath: sleep at Bristol, Bush. Fellow-travellers; mrs Major Wms (Picton), rev. Gibbs, spouter & mrs Harwood. Write to M J.[Not in London]

11. F. Call on Gutch: New Passage, to Chepstow: Black Rock Inn, mr & mrs Griffiths: dine, w. Vivian, Beaufort Arms; walk to the Castle. Write to M J.[Not in London]

12. Sa. Boat to Tintern; St Peter’s Thumb, Twelve Apostles, Lover’s Leap: dine at Chepstow: walk to Black Rock; adv. Griffiths (al. Lewis) & Yeslo comb. Write to M J.[Not in London]

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Sep. 13. Su.Passage, w. 12 horses, &c: return-chaise to Bristol: call on Dr Kentish, deceased. Write to Shelley.[Not in London]

14. M. Call on Gutch, &, w. him, on Cottle: meet Vivian: w. him, Cathedral & Redcliffe: dine at Gutch’s, w. Dr Pritchard. Write to M J. French enter Moscowe.[Not in London]

15. Tu. Breakfast at Gutch’s: walk, w. him, to St Vincent’s: tea Cottle’s: Bradbury’s theatree. Write to M J, sent Wednesday.[Not in London]

16. W. Call on Gutch & Sheppard: Jane, capt. Edwards, w. Lawrence & son, capt. Cotham, miss Fisher, mrs Kirkby, &c. [Not in London]

17. Th. Rainy morning: pass Minehead: turned back by a squall, to Pennarth, one mile from Cardiff, where it was proposed by the captain, we should sleep on shore, I believe, in a barn. Deliquiume.[Not in London]

18. F.Lymouth, three in afternoon: eat nothing from Wednesday’s dinnere: walk to the Valley of Stones. Deliquium, in bed-chambere.[Not in London]

19. Sa.Call on mrs Hooper; see mrs Sandford: horses to Barnstaple: mall & fair.[Not in London]

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Sep. 20. Su. Coach, w. East-Indian & wife, capt. Burke, major Hatherley, Lyndon cripple, &c: South Molton: dine at Tiverton: Peverel; Wellington: sleep at Taunton. Write to M J .[Not in London]

21. M. Breakfast at Somerton: walk & prospect at Castle Carey : Wincaunton; Mere: dine at Hindon: sleep at Salisbury: call on Dowding: Cathedral, moon-light. Write to M J.[Not in London]

22. Tu. Del. impme. Call on Dowding, &, w. Luxford, on Jeffery, Picture-dealer: meet Tinney: Cathedral & Close: dine at Luxford’s: sup on Welch Rabbit.[Not in London]

23. W. Deliquia impae. Call on Dowding & Jeffery: Cathedral, charity-sermon, Bp, &ce: dine at Jeffery’s, w. Coates, Finches, miss Noyes, Long & Luxford; adv. Bushel & Mitty. Write to M J. Darmany calls.[Not in London]

24. Th. Call on Dowding & Luxford, Jefferyn, & Coates: chaise to Stone-henge & Amesbury: return do to Andover; call on Godden, tanner. Write to M J.[Not in London]

25. F. Coach, outside; w. Post-master, Jew & 2 daughters, & Hayter of Whitchurch, mechaniste: dine at Starnes: tea Skinner Street. Royal Mil. College, Blackwater.[Not in London]

26. Sa. Place calls: L Eastwick dines: Hogan sups. Geo. Cooke dies.

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Sep. 27. M. Call on Place: meet Vivian, Liston & mes Colliers: call on S En.

28. M. Bloomfield, çala: Call on C M, w. M J. S E calls, ppc.

29. Tu. Accounts. Call on Place & J Taylor: sup at Topping’s, w. M J & W Gordon. Parliament dissolvede

30. W. Accounts. Call on Hume: M calls: E Topping dines; adv. Hogan: call on C M, for M J. Place calls.