William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for April 1808



Apr. 1. F. Write twice to Sharp; answers. Call on M: Nicholson calls.

2. Sa.Sharp sought, frustra. Theatre, Bridgetinae. Harvery calls, bookseller.

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Apr. 3. Su. Accounts. T T sups.

4. M.M calls, from Sharp: theatre, Othello, acts 1 & 2e : Dawe sups.

5. Tu. Write to Whitbread; answer. Lamb & N G call. Lutrin, C. I.

6. W. M from Johnson: circulars preparede. Dawe calls.

7. Th.Circulars sente. Call on Fenwick: Dawe & Hazlit call. Duke of Grafton . Write to W Smith & Grattan.

8. F.Nason calls: call, w. T T, on G M C, for M J: T T sups. Circulars sente.

9. Sa.M, from Phillips, & W Stewart call: call on Jo G. J Hollis. Lutrin, C. II.

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Apr. 10. Su.Write to Holland & (for M) Lauderdale. Fk & Orlando dine; adv. Plant.

11. M. Sutton calls: Letter from W Smith 50: M dines: Hazlit & T T sup. M A Taylor.

12. Tu. Write to M & Johnson & Raine: call on Sharpn & Nicholsonna.

13. W.Write to Smith: Jo G calls, & M from Shp. Countess of Moira dies.

14. Th. Meet H Robinson & Collier au près: E Topping calls: Curran & G M C dine: call, w. Curran, on Coleridge.

15. F. Call on Curran (adv. R C: £100), Grattn n, & Northcote: Lamb calls: T T sups: meet Carlisle. Paul dies.

16. Sa.Curran calls. Do ms, 68 pp.

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Apr. 17. Su.Write to Curran. Betham, çala.

18. M.Letter from W Smith. Call on Curran; adv. Egan: T T sups.

19. Tu.Write to W Smith, Hollis & Curran (P. of W): Jo G calls: N G sups.

20. W. Write to P H G. M calls: T T dines; explanatione: call on Johnson; adv. Joyce.

21. Th.Theatre, Two Gentlemen of Verona; adv. Lawrence & C Kemblee.

22. F.Hollis calls: Coleridge’s Lecture; adv. Lamb ( & Durham)e: call on Curran; adv. Hutchins: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Knowles, Rosiere, Waller & Mellon: meet Este & Macmillan.

23. Sa.Gents of Verona. Call on La. Phillips & Coleridgen: C Heath calls: theatre, 2/5 World: Cader Idris.e

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Apr. 14. Su.eOthello, çala: All’s Well, acts 1 & 2.

25. M.Call on Philips, Slopern, Nicholson, Taylor & Johnson: Masters calls: T T sups.

26. Tu.Call on Philips; adv. Atkinson, James & Gillet: meet Hutchins: call on Currann: theatre, Two Gentlemen; adv. J Taylore.

27. W.Call on Field, Annuity Office: C Colnet dines: N G sups. Gilchrist on Jonson.

28. Th. Donne, çala. Call on Davisonn: write to Johnson: M, T T & N G call.

29. F.Letter from Johnson: write to Davison. Mulreadys sup.

30. Sa.Donne, çala. Write to Grattan: call on Hollandna &Hollis n.