Mar. 1. F. Horace, Odes 4, 5, 6: Middleton, page 209: Hume on Morals, 290 to 301: finish Vie de Mol., 314. Write to Masters. weather.
2. Sa. Write to Mrs Cooper. Cat. II, §. 1, 2, 3, 4: Horace, Ode 7: Middleton, p. 270: [Co?]cu Imaginaire . Jardine calls, nah.
Mar. 3. Su.Cat. II, §. 5, 6, 7, 8: Horace, Ode 8: Middleton, p. 284. Dine at Holcroft’s, adv. Dyson, talk of pleading & law. Man as he is, p. 38.
4. M. Write to C. Horace, Ode 9: Middleton, p. 292: Man as he is, p. 126. Dom. Com., Sheridan on insurrectionse, see Mcintosh &Gray.
5. Tu. Write 7 pages. Middleton, p. 351; Preface to do, 26 pages.
6. W. Write 2 pages. Finish Cat. II: Horace, Odes 10, 11: Middleton, p. 402: Man as he is, p. 215. Jardine calls. Hull Godwin married
7. Th.Write 7 pages. Cat. III: finish Middleton, Vol. I, p. 423; Vol. II, p. 17: Man as he is, p. 219. Holcroft calls, with Review.
8. F.Write 5 1/2 pages. Middleton, p. 34: finish Man as he is, Vol. I, p. 288. Jardine calls.
9. Sa. Cat. IV, §. 1-5: Middleton, p. 71: Man as he is, p. 74.
Mar. 10. Su. Write 4 pages. Finish Cat. IV. Dyson & Dibbin call: advise the latter. Dine at Holcrofts: sup with him at Nicholson’s, talk with of necessity.
11. M.Write 4 1/2 pages. Middleton, p. 100: Man as he is, p. 104. Carry ms to Holcroft, supper .
12. Tu.Consult documents. Call on Holcroft. Jardine at tea. Man as he is, p. 217.
13. W.Write 4 pages. Pro Rabirio: Man as he is, Vol. III, p. 12. Marshal at tea: sup at miss Godwin’s.
14. Th.Write 1 page. Middleton, p. 112: Man as he is, p. 105. Tea Jardine’s, with Holcrt & Swale: sup at Holcroft’s.
15. F. Horace, Odes 12, 13, 14: Middleton, p. 204: Man as he is, p. 145. Call on B. Hollis & Inchbald, nah.
16. Sa.Middleton, p. 234. Dine at Henley’s; sup at miss Godwin’s, with Mrs Cooper; mrs Mills.
Mar. 17. Su.De Bello Civili, §. 1-6: Middleton, p. 306. Dine at Holcroft’s.
18. M. De Bello Civili, §. 6-13: Horace, Odes 16, 17, Epist. I: finish Middleton, Vol. II, p. 438: Man as he is, p. 209. Marshal at tea.
19. Tu.Horace, Ep. II: Turgot, p. 182-189: Man as he is, p. 227. Dr Lister calls, talk of reason & sentiment. Play, the Rival Sisterse: sup at Holcroft’s, with Dyson; letter, Griffith to Holcrofte.
20. W.Rewrite Jardine’s Review for the Eu. Mag. Turgot, ça & la: Middleton, Vol. III, p. 6: Man as he is, fin. Vol. III, p. 275. E. Mansfield dies.
21. Th.Horace, Ep. III, IV, V, VI: Pro S. Roscio, §. 1, 2, 3, 4: Middleton, p. 33. Jardine calls: call on Inchbald, escort : sup at Nicholson’s, talk of degeneracy.
22. F.Jardine calls, tell him of spy & Nicholson: sup at Davis’s, talk of innate. Horace, Ep. VII: Middleton, p. 70: Man as he is, Vol. IV, p. 42.
23. Sa.Horace, Ep. VIII, IX, X, XI, XII: Middleton, p. 156: Man as he is, p. 64. Call on Priestley: meet Lindsay, M Street.
Mar. 24. Su.Horace, Ep. XIII, XIV, XV: Middleton, p. 176. Dine at H. Tooke’s, with Zenobio, Sempil, Gawler, Knight, Harwood, Hamilton Rowan, Thelwal{,} Sharpe & Dyson.
25. M.Horace, Ep. XVI, XVII: Middleton, p. 240: Franklin’s Miscellanies ms, passim: Man as he is, p. 99. Marshal at supper.
26. Tu.Horace, Ep. XVIII, XIX: Middleton, p. 302: Vertot, Tom. III, p. 71-131: finish Man as he is, p. 272. Meet Fawcet.
27. W.Horace, Lib. II, Ep. I, vs. 138: Suetonius, J. C. §. 1-6: Middleton, p. 309.Marshal at tea: sup with him at miss Godwin’s{.} Crusius’s Roman Poets, ça & la.
28. Th.Finish Ep. ad Augustum: Middleton, p. 350. Call on Holcroft & Barry, see sir J Hort: tea Jardine’s, adv. Holcroft, Mendoza, Lugo & Restiff: Sup at Holcroft’s w. Dyson.
29. F.Call on Robinson: propose Rom. Hist. Eveninge , mrs Inchbald’s. Finish Middleton, p. 380.
30. Sa.Horace, Ep. ad J. Florum. Dine at Holcroft’s, with Knight & Nicholson.
Mar. 31. Su.Suetonius, §. 6-16: Pictet to Woronzoff, p. 10. Dine at Holcroft’s: adv. Dyson & Stephen. Paradise’s, E. Pomfret, lady Say & Sele, Smirnhoff, Gillies, Russel, Bancroft.
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