Vertot, Tom. III, p. 71-131 (26 March 1793) Vertot, René Aubert de Vertot, abbé deHistoire des révolutions arrivés dans le gouvernement de la
République romaine. 3 volumes.
1719Translated as:
Vertot, René Aubert de Vertot, abbé deOzell, ----; and others (translators)The history of the revolutions that happened in the
government of the RomanRepublic. Written in French by the Abbot de
Vertot, … English'd by Mr. Ozell and others. … 1720Conjecture based on WG's current reading of other works on
ancient Rome.
WG's sale catalog lists:
Vertot, Revolutions
de Portugal, Suede, la Republique Romaine, &c, 11 vol. No
Mentions in the Diary