May 1. Tu. Rain. Homer, v. 237: Gilblas, p. 270. Call on Hudson: theatre, Hunchback; adv. Gents, Soane & mrs White; Knowles senre. 57 ½ / 60 ½
2. W. Deloraine, çala. Homer, v. 330: Hunchback: Gilblas, p. 292. Lubé calls: W au soir. 59 / 63 ½
3. Th.Deloraine, revise. Homer, v. 430. M W S at tea; W expected. 61 / 63 ½
4. F.Deloraine, revise. Homer, v. 515: Northcote, çala. M calls. Youth. J Taylor dies . 60 / 62
5. Sa. Indisposede. Deloraine, revise. Homer, , v. 107: Alhambra, Vol. I. 58 ½ / 64
May 6. Su. Deloraine, p. 38. Homer, v. 211: Gilblas, p. 351, fin. M W S at tea. Schedules, A B, postponed, 151 to 116 e61 ½ / 66
7. M. Deloraine (1/2 page), p. 40. Homer, v. 305. W calls: Exhibition; Rothwel, Uwins, Gents, Joseph, Uwins,Parris, Judkine: Martin’s, Meyerbeer, Crumps, H Caunter, Roscoe, Chorley, Ritchie, Dilke. 63 ½ / 70
8. Tu.Homer, v. 350: Alhambra, Vol. II, p. 40. W dines ms: theatre, Tyrolese Peasante. 65 ½ / 67
9. W. Homer, v. 456: Alhambra, p. 299, fin. M calls:W at tea. Ministers resigne.61 / 62 ½
10. Th. Homer, v. 554: Indicator, çala. Cooke calls, & M W S. Ibington, 288 to 208e.57 / 60 ½
11. F.Deloraine, 1 page. Homer, v. 680: Indicator, çala. 56 ½ / 61 ½
12. Sa.Deloraine, 1 page. Homer, v. 796: Indicator, çala. M W S at tea; adv. W.Call on H Holmn. 57 / 61 ½
May 13. Su.Deloraine, 1 page. Homer, v. 897. T N Bailey calls:Pickersgil’s, w. Basil Hall, Ayrton, Morton, Kenney, Poole, Brockedon, Prior & W. Whittaker. 57 / 61 ½
14. M. I U. Homer, , v. 103: The Member. 56 ½ / 61
15. Tu.Newspaper. Homer, v. 264: Indicator, çala. Call on Gent: W at tea. Grey sent fore. 57 / 61
16. W.Deloraine, 2 pages. Homer, v. 404. Cooke calls: M W S at tea. 56 / 62 ½
17. Th. Deloraine, p. 41, & 1/2 page. Homer, v. 516. Tea M W S’s, w. mrs Hogg; invité Trelawney. Sir Herbert Taylor’s Lettere.57 ½ / 62
18. F.Deloraine, 10 lines. Homer, v. 642: Contrast, Vol. I. Sup at Reynolds’s, w. mrs Mortimer, F & R. Ministers reinstated.e58 / 63
19. Sa.Deloraine, p. 42. Homer, v. 804, fin: Contrast, Vol. II. W calls n: call on miss Northcote. 60 / 65
May 20. Su. Deloraine, p. 43. Herodotus, c. 5: Contrast, Vol. III. Call on Sass: M W S at tea. 61 ½ / 66
21. M.Deloraine, p. 44. Herodotus, c. 10: Gibbon, p. 42. N G at tea: Hudson sups. 61 ½ / 66 ½
22. Tu.Fievrée. Herodotus, c. 16: Ld Herbert, çala. M W S at tea: Geo. White sups. 64 / 67 ½
23. W.Indigestione. Deloraine, p. 45. Herodotus, c. 23: W Thomas, çala. 65 / 69
24. Th.Fievrée. Deloraine, p. 46. Herodotus, c. 29: Life of Pole, p. 90. W calls. 65 ½ / 68 ½
25. F.Deloraine, p. 48. Herodotus, c. 32: Pole, p. 161. Call on Brockedon: theatre, Venice Preservd; adv. R Re. 65 ½ / 69
26. Sa.Invent. Deloraine, p. 49. Herodotus, c. 36: Pole, p. 184. W dines: M W S at tea: H Holm & Kenney sup. 67 / 69
May 27. Su. Indisposede. Deloraine, p. 50/2. Herodotus, c. 44: Melmoth, p. 298. Call on Booth: Pickersgil’s, w. mrs Trollope, Owen, Poole,Ayrton, Knowles, Sigmond, Beloe, Brockedon, Morris, Sass. 65 / 67 ½
28. M.Deloraine, p. 51. Herodotus, c. 50: Melmoth, p. 340; Vol. II.Picken calls: Martin’s, w. Crumpes, Holm, Caunter m, Stebbing, A Cunningham, Thomas, Wheatsen, C Landseer, Gardner. 64 / 68
29. Tu.Deloraine, p. 53. Pole, p. 208: Melmoth, Vol. III, p. 161. W calls. 65 / 68
30. W.Write to E Grey. Deloraine, p. 55/2. Herodotus, c. 57: Pole, p. 228: Melmoth, p. 287. Call at Mackintosh. Mackintosh dies . 64 / 67 ½
31. Th.Deloraine, p. 56/2. Write to B Allen. Herodotus, c. 59: Melmoth, p. 368. M calls: King’s College, w. H Holm: M W S au soir. 64 / 65
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