Oct. 1. Tu. Chapman, B. XVII, fin: Perdue, p. 290; Vol. II, p. 111.
2. W. Chapman, B. XVIII/2. Perdue, p. 268. Call on McMillan n, Northcote, Mulready, &Heath, & Barnard, w. M J.
3. Th. Barnard calls: call on McMillan, M Lamb, R Taylor & Jo G: Curran & Dawes call n: Keir & mrs LeGrand call.
4. F. Call on Curran (adv. Jennings); &, w. him, on Reynoldsn, Dawe & Pope; adv. Hutchins & mrs Waring: Curran & Hutchins call n: theatre, 3/5 Provoked Husbande. meet Bosville & L Ht. Irish
5. Sa. Chapman, B. XVIII, fin: Perdue, Vol. III. Call on McMillan; meet O’Brien.
Oct. 6. Su. England, 1/2 page. Call on Wroughtonn: meet Davy: dine at Holland’s, w. Amherst, Erskine, Curran, Adair, Allen & three: J & Jo G call n: Dawes sup.
7. M. Call on Jo G, Johnson & Nelson: Keys junr calls: meet Dawe.
8. Tu. England, revise. Hazlit calls: call on Dawe; &, w. M J, on Carlislen.
9. W. Chapman, B. XIX. Write to P H G. Meet Reynolds &Adair: call on Currann, Burnen, Northcote & Carlislen: theatre, Constant Couplee: Tucker calls: Dawe sups. Mulready calls.
10. Th. Chapman, B. XX. Call on R Hunter (adv. Hewlet), J G, Nelson & Lancaster: meet Perry: call on Barnard. Letter from Wroughton.
11. F. Advertisemente. Chapman, B. XXI. Mulready calls: call, w. M J, on Carlisle.
12. Sa. Chapman, B. XXII: Wit without Money, act 1, 2, 3. Call on Nicholson.
Oct. 13. Su. Circular Letter. Lambs tea & supper.
14. M. Chapman, B. XXIII. Barnard calls: call on Currann (meet Ht).
15. Tu. Call on Wroughton & Mulreadyn: theatre, Chapter of Accidentse.
16. W. Nelson, Mulready & Cotton’s clerk call: call on Barnard & Jacob.
17. Th. Chapman, B. XXIV: John Woodvil. Barnard calls na. Write to P H G.
18. F. Call on Jo Gn: Mulready calls: theatre, Rugantinoe. meet Bushe: call on Wordsworth.
19. Sa. Peele’s, w. Hodgkins: Batty calls: dine at Perry’s, w. Rowcrofts, Flower, Jo & T & mrs Shee, Gillies’s & miss Bentley & Hall: sleep. meet R Jones & Dawes.
Oct 20. Su. Breakfast at Merton: chaise, w. Perrys: Rowans call. Surrender of Gen. Mack 67,000 mene.
21. M. Perry femme & miss Bentley call: meet Adams: call on Batty, & w. M J, on H Rowan: sup at Nicholson’s: Turner calls n. Battle of Trafalgar)ePublication, Fables .
22. Tu. Camilla, revise. Call on McMillan & Barnardn: tea Wroughton’s; read.
23. W. Call on Jacob: dine at H Rowan’s, w. M J: meet (Ht &) C Moore.
24. Th. Chaise to Merton, w. M J & 3 children: dine at Perry’s: sleep.
25. F. Dine at H Tooke’s, w. M J & 4 children: sleep at Merton.
26. Sa. Chapman, Odyssey, B. I: Purley, Vol. II; p. 144. Chaise from Merton.
Oct. 27. Su. Camilla, revise. Chapman, B. II/2. J G dines.
28. M.Camilla, revise. Chapman, B. II, fin. Call on H Rowan, Jo G, Wilks, Lamb & Barnard: Keir & Turner tea & sup.
29. Tu. Camilla, revise. Theatre, Prior Claim; adv. Morton, Hill, Adolphus (& Skeffington)e: call on mrs Eastwick, for M J ; adv. Morrises, mrs Dunbar, &c.Write to Curran. Nelson & Bd call.
30. W. Camilla, revise. Call on Lamb (adv. E Fks), Jo G: dine at Johnson’s, w. Fuseli, Bonnycastle, Cooper & Eaton: Lambs, Manning & 3 Dawes sup.
31. Th. Camilla, revise. Call, w. M J, on Rickman. meet Wroughton: theatre, Venice Preserved, act 3e.
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