William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for October 1800



3Oct. 1. W.Antonio, revise. Claudian, Idyll. 6, 7: Samson A., acts 3 & 4: Maid in the Mill, acts 1 & 2. M dines.

2. Th.Antonio, 12 lines. Claudian, Ep. Pallad. Call on Curran & Fenwick: meet Jno. Jennings & Burne. Samson, act 5.

3. F.Antonio, 12 lines. Write to Ht. Maid in the Mill, acts 3, 4, 5: Donne, Sat. 2: Fairfax, stanz. 16.

4. Sa.Antonio, revise. Claudian, Proserp. I: Paradise Regained, B. I. Curran dines; adv. S E: sup at Fenwick's, w. Curran & S E.

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Oct. 5. Su.Hugh Trevor, p: 130. Sup at S E's.

6. M.Antonio, 10 lines. Write to C Smith. H Trevor, p. 250; Vol. II, p. 54. Theatre, 1/3 Beggar's Opera, & Indian; adv. Curran, Tegart & E Fenwicke.

7. Tu.Antonio, 5 lines. Claudian, Lib. II, 200: Paradise Regained, B. II: H Trevor, p. 208; Vol. III, p. 50. Call on Denew. Jo G calls.

8. W.Antonio, p. 73/2. Claudian, 372: H Trevor, p. 114. Meet Goold, Dogherty, Burne, Heath & Reynolds's: sup at Lamb's, w. Gulchs & Dollan.

9. Th.Antonio, p. 76/2. Claudian, Lib. III, 384: H Trevor, p. 210. Sup at S E's, w. mrs Pearce. meet Doght.

10. F.Antonio, p. 79, fin. Write to Ht. Paradise Regained, B. III: H Trevor, p. 249; Vol. IV, p. 136.

11. Sa.Antonio, 2 lines. Claudian, 448: H Trevor, p. 180. Write to Coleridge: meet Goold & Dogherty: call on Cn, & mrs Plunket. Lamb & S E sup.

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Oct. 12. Su.Claudian, Proserp., Lib. I: H Trevor, p. 214; Vol. V, p. 70. Carlisles call; adv. E Fenwick: Fenwicks dine: call on S E; adv. Hawkes. Ruggiero, p. 8.

13. M.Claudian, Lib. II: Ruggiero, p. 14: H Trevor, p. 216. E Fenwick dines; adv. Jas Barry.

14. Tu.Write to Ht. Claudian, Lib. III: H Trevor, Vol. VI: Paradise Regd, B. IV. Dine at S E's, w. F & M. A Willis calls.

15. W.Warton's History, Diss. I: Claudian, Giga & Epig. 1-12. Read to Fenwick's: dine at Carlisle's, w. them & Batty; adv. Nicholson. Tobin calls.

16. Th.Antonio, 23 lines. Warton, 1/2 Diss. II. Meet (Shd) King & W Stewart: H G, Hansard & Forsyth at tea.

17. F.Antonio, p. 19-24. Claudian, Ep. 30. (Meet Shd.) Curran & Wolcot dine; adv. S E; invités Gawler, Fordyce, Reynolds, Robinson, Clementi, Carlisle & Macquin. Keir calls. C sleeps.

18. Sa.Warton, 1/2 Diss. II. Call w. C, on Reynolds, Fuseli & Lawrence; Westm. Abbey; meet Goold & Ritson: dine at Perry's, w. C, Porson, H Tooke, Raine, Adair & Lamb.

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Oct. 19. Su.Warton, p. 168: Chaucer, çala. S Cuxson calls: Curran & Porson dine; sleepe.

20. M.Claudian, Epig. 44: F Queen, C. VI. Dine at Wolcot's, w. Curran: theatre, Selima & Azore. St Ives, p. 111.

21. Tu.F. Queen, C. VII: Chaucer, Grisildis. M dines: call on Fenwicks.

22. W.Antonio, p. 24. Ruggiero, p. 26. Nicholson calls: call on Curran: theatre, Duenna; adv. M & Renouarde.

23. Th.Antonio, 1 page. Ruggiero, p. 33: Warton, p. 388. Call on Reynoldsn: sup at Cuxson's.

24. F.Antonio, p. 26/2. Ruggiero, p. 38: Chaucer, çala: Warton, p. 468. Theatre, 1/5 Suspic. Husbde.

25. Sa.Antonio, p. 27; revise. Ruggiero, p. 52: Warton, Vol. II, p. 407-463. Cuxsons call: S E sups.

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Oct. 26. Su.Antonio, revise. Ruggiero, p. 58, fin: Chaucer; W of B's Tale. Call on Kemble: dine at Curran's, w. mrs Dixon: A Walkers calls n.

27. M.Antonio, revise. Temistocle, p. 7. Tobin & Currncall: A Walker & M dine: sup at Lamb's.

28. Tu.Antonio, revise. Temistocle, p. 17. Northmore & Welby call: A Walker dines: call on Fenwickn.

29. W.Antonio, 16 lines. St Ives, p. 165. A Walker breakfasts: Stratford, M R[w?]: meet Perry, Curran, Hanger, Caldwel & Jas Wt: dine at Tobin's, w. Leslie; adv. Underwood & Dyson: theatre, 1/5 Revenge, & Actæone: H G & Axtel at tea n. Write to Kemble.

30. Th.Antonio, 10 lines; revise. Temistocle, p. 29. MtHubbard: call on Ritson: theatre, Virginia; adv. (P. William & d. of Norfolk) & Agare: M sups.

31. F.Antonio, revise. Temistocle, p. 42. Call on Kemble: dine at Northmore's, w. Cholmley, Welby & Gordons: M sups.