Sep. 1. M.Etymologicum Magnum. Dine at mrs Robinson's (Englefield Green), w. M: mtGawler: sleepe.
2. Tu. Breakfast at Hampton Court. Curran dines; read Antonio; H G & Fenwicks to supper: Curran sleeps.
3. W.Curran, Reynolds, Nicholson, Lamb & M dine; invités Fuseli, Lawrence, Porson, Perry, Kemble & Boaden: Curran sleeps. meet R Philips.
4. Th.Write to Arnot & M Robinson. S E & J G dine; adv. M.
5. F.Write to Coleridge. Woman-Hater: Coxe, p. 518. M at tea.
6. Sa.Antonio, 6 lines. Coxe, p. 618. M dines; adv. major White: sup at Keir's, w. M.
Sep. 7. Su.Antonio, 4 lines. Muiopotmos: Alziare: Bonduca, acts 1 & 2: Coxe, p. 743.
8. M.Antonio, 15 lines. Claudian, Stilic. II: F Queen, C. XII: Chaucer, Squire's Tale: Coxe, p. 764, fin. Bonduca, act 3.
9. Tu.Antonio, 20 lines. Claudian, Stilic. III: Bonduca, acts 4 & 5. Curran & M dine: call on Reynoldsn & Northcoten: sup at Taggart's, w. Curran, Dobbs & Stewart.
10. W.Claudian, de Bello Getico, 318: Faithful Shepherdess, acts 4 & 5: Loyal Subject, act 1 & 2. A Walker & Jo G call: call on Fenwickn.
11. Th.Antonio, 5 pages. Claudian, B. G., 647. M dines: meet Jas Moore & mrs: Lamb sups.
12. F.Antonio, 10 lines. Claudian, Hon. VI, 201. Call on Robinsonn (adv. Heath) & Ritson: meet Mcquin: theatre, Wags of Windsore. F Queen, B. III, C. I. Fenwick calls.
13. Sa.ClaudianAntonio, 1 page. Claudian, VI Hon, 330. Robinson calls: M dines; adv. S E.
Sep. 14. Su.Antonio, revise. Claudian, VI Honor. 660. S Cuxson & Ruttons call: H G dines: sup at Reynolds's.
15. M.Call on Kemble, D L T, (adv. J Bannister) & Northcote: Astley's, w. M & F, 1/2 price, Gretna & the Piratee. meet Reynolds. Loyal Subject, acts 3, 4 & 5: Maid of the Inn, acts 1 & 2.
16. Tu.Antonio, revise. Claudian, Bell. Get., 253: F Maid of the Inn, acts 3, 4, 5. A Walker & R Taylor call: sup at Lamb's, w. Le Grice.
17. W.Antonio, revise. Claudian, B. Get., 437: Cupid's Revenge. M sups. Defence of Poesy, p. 42.
18. Th.Antonio, act V, p. 1, 2. Claudian, B. Get., 647: Island Princess, act 1. Theatre, 3/10 Cl. Marriage, & 1/4 Prizee.
19. F.Antonio, p. 4/2. Claudian, VI Hon., 330: Island Princess, fin: Fairy Queen, C. II. Tea Fenwick's, w. F & M.
20. Sa.Antonio, p. 3, 4/2. Claudian, 660: Custom of ye Country, acts 1 & 2. Write to Coleridge. Call on Carlislen : meet Henley, Smith lp & Jennings Id: theatre, Haunted Towere: M sups.
Sep. 21. Su.Antonio, 2 pages, & revise. Claudian, M dines: sup at Nicholson's. meet Lewis C G.
22. M.Antonio, 1 page. Claudian, Ser.: Custom of the Country, acts 3, 4, 5. Tuthil dines: theatre, 3/10 Lover's Vowse: M sups. F Queen, C. III.
23. Tu.Antonio, 1 page. Claudian, Ep. I, II: Prophetess, acts 1 & 2: Meet Lewis: Curran dines: theatre, w. him, Richd III, act 3; adv. mrs Plunket & Boadene: call on Reynoldsn: sup w. C & B, Marlb. Strt. S King calls.
24. W.Antonio, 10 lines. Prophetess, acts 3, 4; 5. Reynolds & Noble call: sup at Fenwick's. Castle of Lioni.
25. Th.Antonio, p. 71. Claudian, Ep. III, IV, V; Idyll. I: Honest Man's Fortune, acts 1 & 2: Tea mrs Plunket's, w. 3 Nugents, la. Brown, 2 Jennings's, Ogilvie, O Reily, Kilkenny, ma. Fitzgd, Taygart, C & Moody. Curran sleeps .
26. F.F Queen, C. IV: Honest Man's Fortune, acts, 3, 4, 5: Lover's Progress, acts 1 & 2. Write to S King.
27. Sa.Antonio, 21 lines. Claudian, Idyll. 2, 3: F Queen, C. V: Lover's Progress, acts 3, 4, 5: Beggar's Bush. Sup at Lamb's.
Sep. 28. Su.Claudian, Idyll. 4, 5. Meet Jennings, Dobbs & O'Reily: Wimbledon coach, w. Curran & Creaser: call on Tegart & H Tooke; adv. Bonney: dine at Perry's, w. Curran; adv. Duff: C sleeps.
29. M.Antonio, invent. Monsieur Thomas, acts 1 & 2. Call on Ritson: sup at Reynolds's, w. Curran & Boaden.
30. Tu.Antonio, 20 lines. Samson Agonistes, acts 1 & 2: Monsieur Thomas, acts 3, 4, 5. Theatre, J S, 1 scenee. A Walker calls.
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