Aug. 1. F.De Senectute, c. 7. Simple Story; p. 216. Theatre, 1/2 R Felicity, & Wife’s Mothere. 68 / 73
2. Sa.Meditate Life of Swift, au lit. Simple Story, p. 257. Meet T Ht. 68 / 71
Aug. 3. Su. Plutarch, Cato Censor: Simple Story, p. 296, fin. Call onmrs Ayrton: L K, Cha, Caunters & miss James at tea. 65 ½ / 73
4. M.De Senectute, c. 10: Nature & Art, p. 30. Call on Ant. Whiten, w. M J : M W S, Percy & mrs Hogg dine; adv. Bonnechose. 72 ½ / 70 ½
5. Tu.Swift, çala. Nature & Art, p. 52. A Smith,M W S & Percy call:N G at tea. 74 / 70 ½
6. W.Nature & Art, p. 96.St Katherine’s Docks, w. M J: call on Southwood Smithn: sup at M W S’s; Eaton Street. Gifford, cala.M J for Hern[ ] Baye.70 / 69 / 76 ½
7. Th.Coleridge, Lit. Life, çala:Nature & Art, p. 136, fin. Dine at Caunter’s, w. Geo. C; adv. Wilson,Willis/ Am.n, & mrs Shepherd. 69 / 71
8. F.De Senectute, c. 16: Massinger, çala. M W S & Percy dine. 72 ½ / 70
9. Sa.Write to M J. Bondman, acts 1, 2.Jas Wh. calls: Fenn’s, &c, for Swift: call on Ant. Wh, medicine. Braham dies.71 ½ / 74 / 69
Aug. 10. Su.Bondman, acts 3, 4: C Lamb, çala. Call on mrs Picken(Andrew for Scotland)e. 68 / 70
11. M. Write to M J. Bondman, act 5: C Lb, cala. Dine at (M W S’s), w. Mrs Hogg & Percy. Irish Tithe Bill rejd, Lds, 189 to 122.)e71 ½ / 72
12. Tu.Review, p. 6. Duke of Milan, acts 1, 2. Chas Kenney calls. See June 19. 68 / 72 ½
13. W. Review, p. 9/2. Duke of Milan, acts 3, 4, 5. Dine atM W S’s; adv. miss Gower. 69 ½ / 74 ½
14. Th.Cold. Review, p. 9. Picture, act 1. Call on Roberts. 65 / 76 ½
15. F. Exchequere. Picture, act 2.M W S & Percy dine; adv. B Aldis. Prorogatione 72 / 69
16. Sa. Picture, acts 3, 4. F R calls (Athenæum): theatre, 1/2 Figaro, & Cure for Ht Ache, act 1e. 67 / 74
Aug. 17. Su.Review, p. 10/2. Picture, act 5. Call on La. Stepney. 71 / 73 / 70
18. M.Exchequer Payment. Call on Hudson: dine at M W S's, w. mrs Hogg & fille. meet W Perry. (adv. Speaker, &c na)72 ½ / 71
19. Tu. (Bell, 5 A M, Dream)e. Spirit of Age, çala.John Hume, Registrer, Edinburgh, & W Perry call. 72 ½ / 70
20. W.Write to M J. Spirit of Age, çala. Dine at Rickman’s, w. Cowel, Epps, Payne, Vardon & May. 69 ½ / 74
21. Th. Notes on Journals. Call on G Dyer: theatre, 1/2 R Felicity, & Married Life; adv. Jerdane. Coleridge, Poems. 66 / 73
22. F. Notes on Journals. Spirit of Age, çala. M W S & Percy dine. 69 / 72 / 67
23. Sa.Letter to Melbourne. Lettres Persanes, p. 46. Defense of Poesy, Xtn Morals, çala. Caunter calls: Esdailes. 68 / 66 ½ / 74
Aug. 24. Su. Theodric. Rain. Dine at Caunter’s, w. Geo. C; adv. Shepherds & Holmes. 69 / 70 / 64 ½
25. M. Notes on Journal, 1 paragraph: Review, p. 11. Dine at M W S’s; adv. mrs Wyndham Lewis & Geo. Beauclerk. 66 / 72
26. Tu.Review, p. 12. Quarterly (Coleridge, &c). Hudson at tea. Lobrot & Jones call. 66 / 73
27. W. Letter to Melbourne. Woolston, çala. Call on Melbourne (to enquire); adv. mrs Skinner; w. her, Pantechnicon. 69 / 65
28. Th.Review, p. 13. Woolston, çala.M W S at tea. 64 ½ / 73
29. F. State of Retribution, au lit. Ditto, p. 1. Call on Young, w. letter: call on Fenn. au soir. Plan Retribution. 71 / 67 / 74 ½
30. Sa. Languide. Retribution, p. 2/2. Write to M J. Woolston, çala. 71 ½ / 68 / 74
Aug. 31. Su. Nervouse. Woolston, çala. Call on Booth: M W S & Percy dine. 68 / 67 ½ / 74
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