Oct. 1. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 19. State Paper Officee. Theatre, Douglas (Kean jr); adv. Skeffington, Barham & Hille. Ideme.
2. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 110/2. Livy, c. 23. Museum; Protector Unveilede. Sup at Reynolds’s, w. Kenney & mrs Mortimer: M at tea. 67
3. W.Commonwealth, p. 112. Write to M W S. Livy, c. 26. Museum; Baxtere. Grandison, p. 232. N G at tea.
4. Th.Commonwealth, p. 115. Livy, c. 29. Museum; Gootkine: sup at Hodget’s.
5. F.Commonwealth, p. 117. Livy, c. 34. Theatre, Illustrious Strangere.
6. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 38. Hodgets sups; adv. M. 67 ½
Oct. 7. Su.Commonwealth, p. 120/2. Livy, c. 41: Grandison, p. 256. Call on Hodgets: Kenney sups.
8. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 44. Museum; Jewse. Call on John Evans, Ogle & Hodgets.
9. Tu.Commonwealth, 6 lines. Livy, c. 46; Lib. X, c. 3. Museum; Menassehe. Grandison, p. 276. Write to M W S.
10. W.Commonwealth, p. 122/2. Livy, c. 8. Write to Hirschel. Grandison, p. 289.
11. Th.Commonwealth, p. 122. Livy, c. 11. Museum; Vanee.
12. F.Commonwealth, p. 124. Livy, c. 14. Museum; Vane; adv. Rutte: theatre, Stoops to Conquer, & I S; adv. Hopwoods & M Je. C C.
13. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 126/2. Livy, c. 19. State Paper Officee. Write to M W S & Dr Brown.
Oct. 14. Su.Commonwealth, p. 128. Livy, c. 23: Douglas: Grandison, p. 316.
15. M.Commonwealth, p. 129. Livy, c. 27. Museum; Vanee. Theatre, 1/2 Barbarossa, & Gambler’s Fate; adv. Skeffington, Barham , Gent , R Reynolds & Knowles senre. Northcote calls n.^adv. Rutt & R Taylor.
16. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 130. Livy, c. 31. Museum; Vanee. 66, 9 P M.
17. W.Commonwealth, p. 132, & 1 page. Livy, c. 37. Museum; Vanee: tea, Fra. Wright, Nashoba: Northcote calls. 68
18. Th.Commonwealth, p. 134. Livy, c. 42. Grandison, p. 334.
19. F.Commonwealth, p. 137. Livy, c. 47. Write to Fra. Wright. Museum; Remonstrancee. Finish First Decade of Livy, autumn 1779. / 66, 9 P M
20. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 140/2. Livy, Lib. XXI, c. 4. Call on Olliern: White (Isleworth) at tea. Battle of Navarinoe. 66, 9 P M.
Oct. 21. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 10. Grandison, p. 351. Northcote calls. 66, 9 P M
22. M.Livy, c. 16. Call on Hirschel, Van Oven, Upcot & mrs Brown: sup at Hodgets’. 66, 9 P M
23. Tu.Commonwealth, 16 lines. Livy, c. 18: Fra. Wright, p. 48. Museum; Jewse. Northcote calls. Write to M W S. 64
24. W.Commonwealth, 1 page. Livy, c. 24. Museum; Chamberlainee: Styles, p. 50. 64
25. Th.Commonwealth, 1 page. Write to Van Oven. Livy, c. 27: F Wright, p. 156. Museum; Toveye. Call on Reynoldsn. 64, 11 P M
26. F.Commonwealth, p. 140. Livy, c. 31. Museum; Campbel; adv. Rutte. //Causton calls: M W S & W dine; sleeps. 64
27. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 35. M W S for Harrowe. Northcote calls. 65 ½ , 9 P M
Oct. 28. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 41: F Wright, p. 196: Grandison, p. 389. Rain.
29. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 44. Museum; adv. Rutte: Rowbotham calls: N G at tea: theatre, Wealthy Widow; adv. Wallace & Talfourde. Cold weather, 6 days.
30. Tu.Commonwealth, 1 1/2 pp. Livy, c. 50: Museum; O Ce.
31. W.Commonwealth, p. 141. Livy, c. 56: Grandison, p. 418. Fra. Wright, Dale Owen & M W S call; adv. Northcote.
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