William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for July 1827



Dep. e.222, fol.  27v
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July 1. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 39.

2. M.Commonwealth, çala; Overton. Livy, c. 45. Uwins & Kennies call: Booth at tea. Prorogatione.

3. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Museume: M at tea: theatre, 2/3 Arthur & Em., & Lying made Easye.

4. W.Commonwealth, 1 page. Museume. Livy, c. 49. Call on Northcote (N G).

5. Th.Commonwealth, p. 14. Write to Knighton, & to Wedgwoodfor Davison. Call on Knightonn & Northcoten: M W S & W dine.

6. F.Commonwealth, p. 15. Museume. Northcote calls: call on M: dine at Uwins’s, w. Clutterbuck, Burroughs, Mason, Best, Headland, Morgan, &York, & Vance. Nov. 8[th?]Hot weather, 8 days.

7. Sa.Commonwealth, çala. Colburn calls. Livy, c. 53. Write to N G.

Dep. e.222, fol.  28r
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July 8. Su.Commonwealth, p. 17/2. Livy, c. 56. Call on M W S & mrs Hodgets: N G calls, announce.

9. M.Call on Bowring. Find Fairfax Memorandum.

10. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 19/2. Livy, c. 62. Museum; Webster, &ce. M W S dines: adv. Northcote. Hodgets sups.

11. W.Commonwealth, p. 20. Museum; Webstere. Call on Colburnn (write): meet Carlisle: sup at Reynolds’s.

12. Th.Commonwealth, p. 21/2. Livy, c. 63. Colburn calls: coach, fr. Spur Inn, Borough, to Maidstone; w. sir A Carlisle & col. Strafford: tea & supper, Hughes’s, w. Pretty: sleep at Swan, 2 nights.[Not in London]

13. F.Call on Mardon & Liston. Fairfax Papers. Invités à diner, Liston & Brenchley: Colburn arrives.[Not in London]

14. Sa.Fairfax Papers. Dine, w. Colburn, at Stow: coach to town, w. Colburn & Lewisham magistrate: Colburn at tea, Gower Place.[Not in London]

Dep. e.222, fol.  28v
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July 15. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Call on Northcote. Nervous, 2 dayse.

16. M.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Muggletone. M W S calls. Landsdown, Secretarye.

17. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Museum; Muggletone. Dine at Hodgets’, w. Buckingham, R T, Kempson & W. Livy, c. 66.invité Bowring.

18. W.Commonwealth, çala. Write to Joshua Wilson. Museum; Muggletone. N G & M call.

19. Th.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 69. M W S & Howard Payne dine.

20. F.Commonwealth, p. 21; & 1 1/2 pp. Livy, c. 70. Museum; Le Clerc; adv. We: theatre, Rencontree.

21. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 22. Livy, c. 72; Lib. IV, c. 3. State-Paper Office; meet T Hill & Northcotee: M calls. A Constable dies .

Dep. e.222, fol.  29r
[fol. 29r]

July 22. Su.Commonwealth, çala. N G calls: call on M W Sn. Pluie.

23. M.Commonwealth, p. 23/2. Paradise Lost, & Quixote, çala. M W S calls, ppc.

24. Tu.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 5. Museum; De Wite: theatre, Serjeant’s Wifee: Colburn calls n.

25. W.Livy, c. 8. Museum; De Wite: Colburn calls: call on Birkbeck: sup at Reynolds’s.

26. Th.Commonwealth, p. 26/2. Livy, c. 11.

27. F.Commonwealth, p. 26. Livy, c. 16. Call on Colburn.

28. Sa.Commonwealth, p. 27. Livy, c. 20. Theatre, Gudgeons & Sharkse. Grayson calls.

Dep. e.222, fol.  29v
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July 29. Su.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 24. Thermometer, 79.

30. M.Commonwealth, çala. Livy, c. 30. Museum; Tho. Duttone. Hudson at tea.

31. Tu.Commonwealth, p. 29. Livy, c. 32. Write to M W S. Call on Stalker, & Northcote ; adv. King & Rogers.