Fairfax Papers (13 July 1827) Fairfax, Thomas Fairfax, Baron WG's diary for
1827-07-12 records that he travels to
Maidstone, where he reads ‘Fairfax Papers' on
1827-07-13 and
1827-07-14. In
1848The Gentleman's Magazine, Vol. 184 reviews
Fairfax Correspondence.—Memoirs of the Reign of Charles I. Ed.
George W. Johnson, Esq, Barrister-at-Law. 2 vols. Although
the correspondence of Thomas Fairfax, 3
rd Lord Fairfax, is not in this publication, it is expected
in a later volume. Much of the correspondence comes from a cache of
papers once in the possession of a shoe-maker in Maidstone.
The London Literary Gazette of
1831 mentions that this cache was later bought by J. N.
Hughes of that town. If it was in his possession in
1827, WG may have read that material. Result of
Google search: fairfax papers + maidstone. Produced the above
results at
http://books.google.com/books. Accessed on
Mentions in the Diary