May 1. Th.Hayward & Walln call: call on Hayward.
2. F.Wall calls: call on Hayward: Ogilvie (Am.) calls: Kenney at tea. Banks calls n.
3. Sa.Mandeville, p. 10. Ogilvie & Hayward call. Miss Collins dines: theatre, Apostate, w. Collins, C Colnet, M J & W; adv. O Brien & Wallacee. W G at home, 2 nightse. sleeps 2 nights. & Hazlit.
May 4. Su.Mandeville, p. 12/2. Ogilvie, çala. Ogilvie dines: Kenney at tea.
5. M.Mandeville, p. 12. Call on Knowles & Hume: Exhibition, w. M J, W, C C & D C; adv. Hill, Perry, Phillips, Liston, Ritchie, Imray & Millere: Jo G, Ritchie & Hayward call: meet Morgan of Calne.
6. Tu.Call on Ogilvien, J Taylorn, Grattann & Mackintosh: dine at Curran’s.
7. W.Mandeville, çala. Ogilvie & Hayward call: Kenney at tea.
8. Th.Mandeville, p. 13. M J for Francee. Ogilvie calls: dine at Curran’s, w. Thomson, Meyler & Finnerty.
9. F.Mandeville, p. 15/2. Spira, pp. 75. Shiel & Botwright call: call on Hayward: Ogilvie sups. Write to Shelley.
10. Sa.Write to M & daughter. Dr Miller calls: Kenney dines: Opera, Don Giovannie.
May 11. Su.Mandeville, p. 16/2. Zaire, actes 1 & 2. Call on Place: Kenney dines: Ogilvie sups. meet Perry.
12. M.Write to Shelley & Baxter. East-India Chambers ; meet Turnbull & Elston: Rodd’s: Hazlit sups. Write to Poole. Percy calls na.
13. Tu.Mandeville, p. 17/2. Zaire, acte 3. Call on J Taylor (adv. Dr Thornton), Percy (w. Ogilvie) & Hayward.
14. W.Write to M J & M. Grattan, Owen & Percy call: call on Turnbull, w. Elston, & on Haywardn.
15. Th.Shelvese. Turnbull calls: call on Hayward: Shiel & Ogilvie dine: theatre (orchestra), w. Shiel; Cato; adv. Harlowee.
16. F.Rhumee. G Dyer calls: call on Hayward & Turnbull: Rodd’s.
17. Sa.Write to M. Percy calls: dine at Curran’s, w. Ogilvie, Thomson, Finnerty & Wallace; adv. Power; invité Casey.
May 18. Su.Mandeville, p. 18/2. Haimatoff, p. 82.
19. M.Mandeville, p. 19/2. Write to J Taylor. Haimatoff, p. 236, fin. Turnbull calls: meet do, at Christie’s: call on Hayward.
20. Tu.Mandeville, p. 20. Call on Hayward, for Christie’s: meet J Taylor: call on Northcote: dine at Curran’s: Ogilvie calls n.
21. W.Mandeville, p. 21/2. Ferd. Jeronimi, çala. Percy calls: theatre, Hamlet, J P K; adv. Estee.
22. Th.Mandeville, p. 21. Write to M J. Ogilvie calls: call on Hayward. Warton on Spenser, çala.
23. F.Mandeville, p. 22. Percy calls: Shelleys dine: call on Picartn & Hazlit: dine at Curran’s; adv. Hazlit & Ryan. they sleep.
24. Sa.Mandeville, p. 23/2. Hazlit & Botwright call: meet Colson & Horace Smith: walk, w. Ogilvie & Shelley. Picart calls.
May 25. Su.Mandeville, p. 23. Call on Hayward: seek C Hill: Ogilvie & Hog dine; adv. Hazlit; invité Colson.
26. M.PerWrite to Longdil. Percy calls: call on S E: Shelley departse. Anderson (Pershore) calls.
27. Tu.Mandeville, p. 24. Gulliver, p. 69. Call on Hayward: theatre, w. M W S, Barbarossae. Write to M J & E Fenwick. Hardwick calls n.
28. W.Mandeville, p. 25. Call on Sir Jos. Banks: meet Turnbull: call on do: sup at Wolcot’s, w. Hazlit. Ogilvie calls.
29. Th.Hazlit, on Shakespear, çala. Jo G calls: meet Turnbull: British Gallery, Deceased British Artistse: dine at Curran’s, w. Hazlit: meet M & Percy.
30. F.M & Turnbull call: sup at Lamb’s, w. M W S. call on Hume.
31. Sa.Mandeville, p. 26. E & C Hill, Ogilvie & Hazlit call: Botwright & M dine: Rodd’s. M W S departse.
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