Feb. 1. F.Write to Cotton & T Fenwick, Limehouse. W G twice & T T call: seek Martineau.
2. Su.eWrite to H Rogers & Burnet: W G & Adams call: T T at tea: theatre, Cato, acts 2, 3, 4e.
Feb. 3. Su.Stillingfleet, çala. Call on Coleridgena: Jo & W G call.
4. M.Musophilus, p. 16: Sha. Sonnets, 17. Call on T Taylerna: meet Hazlit & Fk: Smith sups. Regent to R H S Percevale.
5. Tu.Call on J Taylor: W G calls: Jo G at tea: theatre, Knight of Snowdoun; adv. Hanname.
6. W.Bacon’s Essays, p. 53. Call on Macmillan, Place & Knowles: meet Kemble & White: Smith at tea: N G calls. Regent sworn ine.
7. Th.Bacon, p. 75. Call on Palmern & Morgan: Panorama, Cadiz, w. M J: meet Curtis, bookr: Hazlit calls.
8. F.Biathanatos, p. 16: Rymer, pp. 22. Call on Jo G.
9. Sa.Argenis, p. 24: Daniel, Civil Wars, p. 15. T T calls: w. him, meet Burnet, & mrs C Smith.
Feb. 10. Su.Dictionary, çala. Argenis, p. 40. Jo G calls: Waller dines.
11. M.Write to W G. Argenis, p. 54: Bacon, p. 99. Lackington, T Tn & Jo G call: meet Alldis: J Taylor & Hazlit sup.
12. Tu.Philips, Life of Milton, pp. 44. Guildhall; adv. Montagu, Tipper & Richter: Hopwd & son sup. R C Librarye: Miles calls n. Write to Burnet & Smith.
13. W.Daniel, st. 118. Lackington, T T & Milesna call: meet White: call on Jo G: Adams calls.
14. Th.Daniel, B. II. Jo G & Swartwout call: call on Place; adv. Le Maitre: Swartwout sups.
15. F.Hall on Moderation, p. 70. Seek Martinu, Lambeth: call on Wordsworth, Gold & Martineau: M Jones & Lebrau call n.
16. Sa.Write to Withers, & (M J to) Fairlye. Lefanus, Girle & Hopwood call: seek Barnes.
Feb. 17. Su.Dictionary, çala. Daniel, B. III, st. 30. T T calls: Coleridge, Swartwout & Henry dine; adv. Adams.
18. M.Call on Barnes, Lancastern, Curtisn, R Taylor & Jo Gn: mrs Peacock (Kennington) & Jas Smith call: tea Alldis’s, w. Keegans, Connel, Woodifield, & Jukes & mrs Miller.
19. Tu.Call on Curtis: T T at tea. Gold calls.
20. W.Daniel, B. III, IV. T T & H Boinville call.
21. Th.Lefanu, pp. 55: Philips’s Quixote, çala. M Lamb calls: mrs Clennel dines: Northmore calls.
22. F.Dictionary, çala. Daniel, B. V, st. 40. Call on Tuthilln: T T at tea.
23. Sa.Dictionary, çala. Write to Fairly. Daniel, B. V, fin. Call on Longdill & Wordsworth: T T calls: dine at Adams’s, w. 4 Adams’s, H Robinson, mrs Collier, mrs Robinson, Olive, miss Dobson, &c; adv. 6 Colliers, F, M & C C: I Taylor calls n.
Feb. 24. Su.Dictionary, çala. Daniel, B. VI. Call on Coleridgen & Hazlitn: Jas, H & M Hopwd dine: Wolsey calls. Burnet dies .
25. M.Dictionary, çala. Daniel, B. VII, st. 60. Call on Place (adv. Macreery), Allen & Alldis n: Wolsey & Miles call: meet Lamb: T T sups.
26. Tu.Daniel, B. VII, st. 110; B. VIII, st. 60. Alldis’s & Jo G call: call on Creed, Wordsworth & Lamb; adv. mrs Collier: Northcote, Hazlit, Lambs & E F jun. sup. Call on Hardy.
27. W.Daniel, B. VIII. Call on Fraser: T T at tea: Hopwood calls: P H & Johnson dine
28. Th.Write to Vaughan, Solly, West & Saffory. Call on Lewis: Hopwood calls: tea Hoare’s, w. Warren.
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