William Godwin's Diary

Diary entry for January 1799



1799. Jan. 1. Tu.Siege of Damascus: Barruel, p. 42: Hereford, çala. rhumee.

2. W.Irene: Barruel, p. 129. Dine at Fell's, w. M & Fenwicks.

3. Th.Brantome, çala. Dyson & M dine;adv. Dibbin: call on Ritson.

4. F.Univ. History, çala. Stoddart calls: tea C Smith's.

5. Sa.Antonio, p. 1, 2/2. Tancred, acte 1: U H, çala. Dyson & L J call: Jas Wt dines.

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Jan. 6. M. eAntonio, p. 2/2, 3/2. Tancrède, actes 2, 3, 4: U H çala. Fell calls: dine at Ht's, w. Clementi, Foulkes's & L M; adv. Plumptres, & Banks's, & Stoddart.

7. Tu.eAntonio, p. 3/2, 4/2. Tancrède, acte 5: U H çala. Call on H Lee: M dines; adv. Fell.

8. W.eU H çala: Barruel, p. 148. Dine at Reveley's, w. Stoddart.

9. W.Orphelin de la Chine, actes 1, 2: Duplicity, acts 1, 2. Ht calls: M dines; adv. Fenwick. read .

10. Th. Antonio, 1 1/2 pages. Duplicity, acts 3, 4, 5. F Ht & L Mercier call: theatre, Douglas; adv. O'Briene: sup at C Smith's, w. H & A Lee.

11. F.Antonio, 4 1/2 pages. Dine at Hts, w. Clementi, Aickin, Nicholsons, Banks's, Foulkes's, & Stoddart & L Mercier.

12. Sa.Antonio, 5 pages. M dines: Fenwick calls: theatre, Votary of Wealth; adv. Fell, M, Lees & Inchbalde.

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Jan. 13, Su.Antonio, 3 pages. Call on Ht & Nicholson: M, H G &L J dine; adv. Dyson & Dibbin: Dyson sleeps.

14. M.Antonio, p. 3, 4/2. U H çala. Call at Ht's: sup at Nicholson's. J G dines.

15. Tu.Antonio, p. 4/2, 5. Swinburne, çala. Ht G calls: M & Jas Wt dine: tea H Lee's.

16. W.Antonio, p. 6-11. Jones calls: dine at King's, w. Davis's, Stevenson & Pinkard.

17. Th.Antonio, p. 11. Dyson & Tobin call: theatre, 1/2 Measure for Measuree.

18. F.Antonio, 2 pages. Orphelin, actes 3 & 4: call on Chandlern & O Fancourtn.

19. Sa.Antonio, p. 27, 28, 29. Orphelin, acte 5. Cha. Smith, Northcote, Chandler & O Fancourt dine: mtR Johnson.

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Jan. 20. Su. Antonio, p. 30, 31, 32. Rome Sauvée, acte 1. Hollis calls: dine at Ht's, w. Stoddart; adv. Tobin: tea H Lees, w. C Smith & miss Steers.

21. M.Antonio, 1 page. Rome Sauvée, acte 2: Clement Arnold, Vol. II. Theatre, Fop's Fortune & Feudal Times; adv. Boddingtone.

22. Tu. Antonio, 12 lines. Rome Sauvée, acte 3: Vagabond, Vol. I. Call on Fell: M dines. Union debated: voted in the Irish Commons, majority, onee.

23. W.Rome Sauvée, actes 4 & 5: Oberon, 9 cantos. Call on major Whiten. Naples entered by the Frenche.

24. Th.Oberon, 3 cantos, fin: Vagabond, Vol. II. Major White calls: L J & M dine: sup at Hollis's, w. Antony. Rejected in do, majority, fivee.

25. F. Antonio, 12 lines. Oreste. Fell at tea: theatre, Wondere.

26. Sa.Antonio, p. 33. Combe & Tobin call: meet K Courtenay: call on Chandler; adv. Philips: sup at Fell's.

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Jan. 27. Su.Antonio, p. 34. Mahomet: Mackintosh's Discourse, pp. 66. L J dines. Barruel, p. 212.

28. M.Antonio, p. 35/2. Tea Barbauld's, w. L Aikin: maj. White calls: call on Pinkertonn.

29. Tu. Antonio, p. 35/2, 36/2. Mlle Le Canu, M Hays & miss Reid: dine at Johnson, w. Paterson (Coryat), Norgate, Wells & Newnum.

30. W.Antonio, p. 36/2, 37. Dine at Fell's, w. Dignums, Taylor, M, mrs Palmer & Arabella Hunt.

31. Th.Swinburne, fin: Townsend, çala. M dines. Mrs F. affirms, that the subjects of the Mahometan princes in India are all Moors, & the subjects of the Hindoo princes all Hindoos.